Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,46


If Alexandra hadn’t run away to London, none of this would be happening. And he still needed to talk to her about her behavior yesterday. He did not truly think she would accuse him of rape. He believed she had spoken in haste and on impulse. However, her words had been cruel, and he needed to resolve the issue with her.

He let out a sigh, and then jerked away from the door when a knock vibrated through him. He turned and opened the door. Woods stood before him.

“Yes?” Evan said.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, my lord, but we have a bit of an…issue.”

Confessions of Lady Prudence

by Madame O

Poor Lars’s face was red as a ripe tomato. He covered his eyes with his hand. “I beg your pardon, my lady. Please forgive my intrusion.”

I ambled toward Lars and shut the door to the parlor, locking it. I gently removed his hand from his eyes and squeezed it. “No need to apologize. And no need to cover your eyes. Please, look upon me.”

If possible, he reddened even further.

“Does the sight of me naked please you?”

“I… Er…” Lars’s voice cracked.

“Oh, how rude of me. May I present my art instructor, Monsieur Christophe Bertrand.”

Lars shifted his gaze to Christophe, who was still fully clothed. “Sir, please let me apologize…”

“If Lady Prudence is not upset by your presence, far be it for me to take offense,” Christophe said.

“I am far from offended,” said I. “In fact, I would take it as a great compliment if you would see fit to join us.”

“Oh… I…”

I thrust my hand outward and grasped the bulge in his trousers. “I see the sight of me does please you. Come, please suck on my nipples while Christophe fucks me.”

“My lady, I am new in your aunt’s employ. I cannot take the chance of losing my post.”

“Whatever makes you think you will lose your post? Would it not be more likely that you would lose your post if you did not please me, her niece?” I held up my breasts. “Tell me, Lars, do you like my pretty titties? Do you not want to nibble on them?”

“My lady, they are quite…beautiful, and I would be lying if I said you were not enticing.”

I grasped the back of his head, weaving my fingers through his silky copper hair, and pulled him downward to my breast. “Then kiss my nipple, Lars. Please.”

He bent to obey. His firm lips clamped around the tight bud, and shudders ripped through me.

“Christophe, please come and suck the other one. Never before have I experienced two sets of lips pleasuring my diddeys.”

Oh, Amelia, I can hardly describe the sensation! Christophe’s lips were firm and demanding while Lars’s were soft and timid. It was wonderful, and I nearly thought I might reach climax from the stimulation alone. Before I could, though, Christophe reached to my pussy and started stroking my tight button. Oh, I must have been dripping wet with cream! What euphoria! His fingers circled my opening, and as they both tugged on my nipples, my climax built within me. Just when I thought I would burst, Christophe removed his hand.

“Christophe! Please! I was ready to come.”

“Yes, my lady, I know. But I thought it only polite to give our newcomer a chance to taste the glory that is you first.”

Chapter 13

An issue? Evan rubbed his jawline. Was it Alexandra? Had something befallen her? His heart stampeded at the thought of her being in any type of peril. But of course not. She had left him only a moment ago. “What type of issue, Woods?”

Woods cleared his throat. “Somewhat of a delicate nature, I’m afraid.”

“Is anyone hurt?”

“No. Everyone is fine. It’s just that…”

“Out with it, Woods. What is going on?”

“We found some…er…literature…outside the front door. I am wondering if it belongs to you. Perhaps it fell out of your valise?”

“I don’t recall bringing any literature with me,” Evan said.

“I can’t imagine that it belongs to Lady Alexandra.”

“What exactly is this literature of which you are speaking?”

Woods cleared his throat again. “It is of an…erotic nature.” He pulled some crumpled papers out of his pocket and handed them to Evan. “I found these right outside the front door.”

Evan held back his gasp. The Ruby. And there, of course, was the seal of his business. Well, these couldn’t possibly belong to Alexandra. “Has anyone else been by today?”

“Not that I’m aware of. The house has been closed as you know.”

“I doubt this is anything to worry about. They probably fell out Copyright 2016 - 2024