Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,45

that were so. But her mother and stepfather had left Evan to look after her and Sophie. And Evan, being an honorable man, took his post seriously.

“Very well, then. You do not have to go to dinner. However, if you do not accompany me, I will place you under house arrest for the remainder of the evening, including the ball later. And don’t think you can pay any of these servants off. They have been in the Brighton employ for decades, and they are not so easily swayed. Besides, I have instructed Woods that you are not to be trusted.”

The nerve! She clenched her hands, grabbing fistfuls of her satin gown. “Does it make you feel like more than a second son to exercise such control over another human being?”

“Alexandra, none of this gives me any pleasure. If I had it my way, I would still be in Wiltshire at the estate, passing a pleasant and relaxing evening reading a good book in my bedchamber after having dealt with my business issues, which I’ve had to neglect due to your insolence. I have no use for the season or its balls. And I have no use for dining with the Earl of St. Clair and his wife this evening. However, his daughter is betrothed to my brother, and it would be bad form not to accept their invitation. As you are now the daughter of my father’s new countess, it would also be bad form for you not to attend when you are in town.”

“Well goodness, we would never want to have bad form, would we?”

“May I remind you that none of this is of my doing? It is because you ran off to London that I was forced to follow.”

“No one forced you to follow me. I would be perfectly happy being here alone.”

“Yes, yes, of course. Visiting with your friend Lady Hortense, if she indeed exists.”

“Who in the hell is Lady Hortense?” The man was obviously losing his mind.

“Whatever the name is you gave to your fictitious friend. I am not such a complete dolt that I didn’t see through that.”

“Oh.” Ally laughed nervously. “You are speaking of Miss Prudence Spofford. Of course, I plan to see her tomorrow.”

“Prudence, Hortense, whoever. I don’t for a moment believe that this person exists. However, if you insist upon keeping up the charade, fine. I would love to make Miss Spofford’s acquaintance tomorrow.”

“Absolutely. Perhaps you will find her to your liking. She’s rather stiff and conventional.” Now she had done it. She’d have to find someone to masquerade as Miss Spofford. Or she would just say that Miss Spofford had taken ill and couldn’t receive anyone. Yes, that would work.

“I look forward to it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must continue to prepare for dinner.” He looked her over. “Is that what you’re planning to wear?”

Ally looked down at her pale yellow satin gown. Not exactly appropriate for dinner. It was more of an afternoon dress. Pale yellow was not the best for any type of eating. She would have to change again for the ball later. Why should she change now? Just because Evan didn’t find her dress appropriate was no reason in her mind. “Yes, what of it?”

Evan nodded. “It is lovely and quite becoming. Please be waiting for me in the parlor in half an hour. We will take a coach to the St. Clair London residence.”

Ally’s cheeks heated, and the top of her breasts were rosy pink when she looked down. How his words affected her. She tingled all over and suppressed a shudder. Before she could respond, Evan dismissed her by closing his door.

* * *

Evan slacked against his door and loosened his cravat, which suddenly seemed to be cutting off the air in his throat. This woman would surely send him to an early grave. He was certain there was no such person as Miss Spofford, and tomorrow he would set out to prove that. Tonight he had to go to the St. Clair residence and make nice with his brother’s future in-laws. They were perfectly fine people, and he didn’t mind their company, but he was not in the mood to socialize. Perhaps it was best that he was not the heir to the Brighton estate. His brother, Jacob, was good at this sort of thing and even enjoyed it. But not Evan. He was happy tending to his businesses, or riding Leopold, or writing poetry in his journal, or reading a good Copyright 2016 - 2024