Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,32

a high-class gaming hall and brothel nearby, and he hadn’t frequented the place in a while. He turned off the road to his hotel and ambled toward the seedier section of the city.

“Evening, sir,” a long-haired boy said. “Care for a bit of reading material?”

“Thank you, no,” Evan replied.

“Sure you do, old bloke. This is a free sample. If you like it, you can find it in several places in Bath and in London.” The boy pushed a paper into Evan’s hand and walked swiftly away.

Evan shoved it in his pocket and continued to the gaming hall. He entered, ordered a brandy, and looked around. No shortage of beautiful women here, but for some strange reason none of them appealed to him. He was looking for a tall woman with chestnut hair, sparkling brown eyes, and the most luscious breasts he’d ever been privileged to see. And she certainly wasn’t here.

He sighed and gulped down the rest of his brandy. As he got up to leave, the paper the young boy had handed him crunched in his pocket. He pulled it out and held it up to the lamp on his table. He squinted to read the calligraphic title.

The Ruby.

Confessions of Lady Prudence

by Madame O

My skin was so tight, my nerves so tingly. I eased Hattie’s drawers over her hips and then disposed of mine as well. She had a triangle of honey-blond curls over her mound, and I ached to run my fingers through their softness.

Instead, I pressed against her in a soft hug and whispered, “Would you lie with me on my bed? Kiss me some more?”

She nodded hesitantly.

I took her hands, and together we lay down atop my quilt. I took her into my arms and pressed my mouth to hers. She opened for me quickly, thrust her tongue into my mouth. Pure heaven, Amelia, kissing her. She might not have had much experience, but kissing came very naturally to her.

We ate at each other’s mouths, sighing, moaning, swirling our tongues around each other’s, sucking and licking. My quim grew wetter and wetter, and my nipples hardened again, aching for her twisting fingertips. She hadn’t yet tasted my nipples, but I could no longer stay away from the sweet heaven that beckoned me.

I broke our kiss with a loud smack. “Hattie?”

“Yes, my lady?”

“I should like very much to kiss you…other places.”

“Like what? My cheek?”

I gave her cheek a playful peck, laughing. “Silly. No. Your cunny. That beautiful heaven between your legs. I should very much like to kiss it the way I was kissing your mouth.”

“My lady, that cannot possibly be…”

“Be what? Any fun?” I let out a giggle. “I assure you it is wonderful.”

“But why would you want to do that? There are much better places to kiss me.”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” I slid downward on the bed and spread her lovely long legs. Her cunt glistened with nectar, and my own pussy throbbed.

I fingered her delicate folds. I tentatively licked her slit from bottom to top.

“Oh!” She gasped and squeezed her thighs against my face.

“Relax, love.” I pushed her thighs apart again. “You taste like springtime. May I please kiss your beautiful cunny?”

Chapter 10

Evan widened his eyes as he read through the page. Such outrageous titles!

Life Among the She-Devils.

The Libidinous Adventures of Miss Constance Cooke.

Confessions of Lady Prudence.

A House Party at the Estate of Lord and Lady Peacock.

Under each title were a few sentences leaning toward the erotic, though not quite obscene. This was a sample, after all.

And down at the bottom, where it always appeared on work printed at his business, was the seal.

Evan shook his head. Whoever was behind this didn’t get any points for intelligence. Any worker worth his salt who wanted to print something in secret would have removed the seal. This “free sample” had definitely come from his printing house. He shoved the paper back in his pocket and raked his fingers through his hair, which was thankfully clean now. He left the hall and started back toward his hotel.

He would deal with this on the morrow.

* * *

Ally felt tons better the next day. After a hearty breakfast and a walk about the grounds, she retired to her chamber for a long hot soak in the tub. Afterward, she dressed in a pink afternoon gown, descended for a light luncheon with Sophie, and then retired to the front parlor with a thick novel. Just as she was engrossed in a spicy scene, the Copyright 2016 - 2024