Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,25

well. But after their ordeal, Evan looked merely disheveled. And terribly sexy. She, on the other hand, had strings of hair filled with snarls tangling around her shoulders, and her dress was still damp and felt sticky next to her skin. The curse of being a woman. It was the same with growing old. Men looked handsome and distinguished. Women looked wrinkled and crone-ish.

The unfairness of it all.

He walked her to the main door of the mansion and opened it.

“Sir!” Graves strode toward them quickly. “Thank goodness. Did Marley and Silverton find you?”

“Yes, yes, and we are so grateful. We are a mess from the storm, as you can see, and in need of a hefty warm meal.”

“At once. Let me inform Lady Sophie that you’ve returned.”

A few minutes later, Sophie ran toward them and embraced Ally. “Thank goodness! Oh, what a mess! I can only imagine what you’ve been through.”

“Sophie, it was horrid, but we’re alive and in one piece. Unfortunately, poor John didn’t fare as well, nor the horses.”

“You must tell me everything.”

“We will, but we really do need a meal first.”

“Yes, of course, but Ally…”


“You have a caller.”

“A caller?” She looked down at her mussed dress and the hair sticking in tangles to her shoulders.

“Yes. But don’t worry, I’ll tell him—”

“My lady?”

Ally jerked at the gentleman’s voice.

Out of the parlor walked Mr. Nathan Landon.

Confessions of Lady Prudence

by Madame O

Though it pained me, I stopped the kiss for a moment. “Do you like my diddeys?” I asked.

“I… They’re lovely, my lady.”

They swelled even as she said it, Amelia, I swear to you.

I smiled into her cerulean eyes. “Pinch my nipples, Hattie. Please.”

“But the kissing, my lady? I…” Her blush heightened again, and a tiny smile curved her lips upward.

My cunny throbbed! She was enjoying the kissing as much as I.

“Never fear,” said I. “We shall continue the kissing. But my nipples long for your fingertips, my dear. It will feel good to me, I promise you. My titties are aching for your touch.”

With a tentative hand, she touched my turgid nipple.

“Oh, yes, sweet Hattie.” I closed my eyes. “Twist that firm little bud. Harder. Harder!”

She closed her fingertips around my aching nipple. A jolt thundered through me.

Dearest Amelia, I nearly climaxed then and there! Oh, her fingertips were heaven.

“The other, Hattie. The other,” I begged.

And her free hand cupped my second breast, her thumb easing over the tight nipple.

“Do you like it, my lady?”

“Yes, yes, I love it. Twist them, Hattie. Pinch them.” I held my breasts out to her in offering as her fingers continued to work their magic.

I slid my own fingers into my drawers and glided them over my wet cunt. My clitoris—such a funny new word that you taught me, Amelia dear—was rock hard and swollen, and with only a slight brushing of my hand, I launched into climax.

My whole body trembled, Amelia, much like it did when you sent me to climax oh so many times. I grabbed Hattie and pushed my tongue back between those luscious lips. I drank from her essence as I came down from the highest peak. And Amelia, she kissed me back with such a frenzy! Her vanilla tongue twirled with mine for endless moments, until she gasped and broke away.

“My lady! We should be ashamed.”

“Of what, my dear? Of enjoying ourselves? ’Tis folly to be ashamed of such a thing.” I hesitated a bit. “You did enjoy yourself, didn’t you?”

Again that lovely blush veiled her face and neck as she fidgeted. “Y-Yes, my lady.”

I walked forward, pushing her backward until her legs hit my bed. “I should like to see you unclothed, Hattie. Here”—I turned her around—“let me undress you.”

“I-I can’t.”

I turned her back around and looked straight into those blue orbs. “You can’t? Why on earth not? I am your mistress. You can and should do whatever I ask of you.”

“But my lady, it’s not… I just can’t.”

I smiled and took her lovely face in my hands. “You can’t because you shouldn’t? Or you can’t because you don’t want to?”

“I-I shouldn’t, of course.”

“So you do want to, then?”

“My lady—”

“You may think of this kind of play as forbidden fruit, yet that makes it so much sweeter, doesn’t it?” I turned her back around and fiddled with the knot on the back of her head until her blond locks tumbled free. “Such lovely hair you have, sweet Hattie.”

Chapter 8

Evan couldn’t help smiling. Alexandra, though a mess, still looked gorgeous to him. But to her paramour, Mr. Landon? Copyright 2016 - 2024