Lacey's Warriors (Bondmates #6) - Ann Mayburn Page 0,77

places in Kadothia for them. According to information rolling in through his crystal implant from his crew, Lady Tara’s people were furious that this had happened on their watch and would worker hard to keep their Matriarch safe.

Not that they needed to worry. Though Lacey had her crystal implant set on do not disturb, he could feel how angry his alyah was through their bond. Whatever they were talking about had her incensed. Chel was currently guarding them, and he told Gwarnon that Lacey was doing something the other women referred to as ‘ranting’ and ‘letting it all out’ and ‘venting’. He sent Gwarnon a mental image of Lacey striding back and forth in a feminine room filled with flowering plants and a living canopy of swaying leaves above. The other women were all lounging around comfortably on a variety of chairs and sofas, obviously relaxed. Small tables were placed near the chairs, and held trays filled with sweets and small bits of artful fruit.

A tranquil, warm scene—if you took his alyah yelling about everything being a bunch of fucking bullshit out of the image.

Looking at Lord Rell, Gwarnon said, “You do realize our wives are currently plotting all kinds of mischief upstairs.”

“The Coven,” Lorn said with a smirk, the same blue eyes he shared with his mother, Lady Elsin, sparkling with humor, “that is how they referred to themselves. Lady Casey said they all had witch like powers now, so the Coven fit even though there are five of them instead of thirteen. And, before you ask, no, I have no idea what she means.”

Nast shook his head, his mane of red, orange, and gold hair held back in a tight Warrior’s braid. “I believe a witch is some kind of magic user in their culture. Since their gifts from the Lord of Life could indeed be considered magic, I believe the name fits. Powerful witches, indeed”

Lord Rell gave the other man a slight nod. “I do not believe they realize just how formidable they are, not yet. Lord of Life help the galaxy once they realize how much influence they wield between them.”

“Hopefully enough to withstand what is to come,” Nosa said in a grim voice.

Confused, Gwarnon was about to ask Nosa what he meant when Lord Rell cleared his throat. “If we could get back to the task at hand—Tren, would you please share what you found on Lady Jelizel’s estate?”

Running a hand over his short silver and black hair, the scared man frowned as he said, “I found evidence that Lady Jelizel had a rare gift that was mislabeled as a shield. Her real gift was being able to force the gifts of others into dormancy, like burying a seed too deep to reach sunlight, leaving the plant thinking it is living through an eternal winter. Rell and I think that you had such a severe reaction to the bond breaking because your gift, which had been suppressed by Lady Jelizel during your bonding, was finally released. We believe you have precognition, like your father, and that your mother concealed it from you so that someday, when she finally managed to break you, she’d have you as a backup for your father.”

“Lady Jelizel wasn’t a willing accomplice of your mother. She collected information on Lady Melissi over the years, enough proof to cause your mother problems,” Lord Rell grimace, “but I am not sure if it is enough to get her convicted. Your mother holds an astonishing amount of power and loyalty. Why the Lord of Life gave her the gift of manipulation, I will never know.”

Chel came into the room, panting as if he’d been running, “Gwarnon, are you all right? Lacey and I felt your distress.”

Gwarnon reached out and clasped his blood brother’s hand, anger at his mother speeding his heart as he mentally caught Chel up on what he’d learned.

“That bitch,” Chel growled then turned to Lord Rell, “Please tell me she will be punished for this.”

“I swear to you, I will go after her with everything I have, but as I said, she is powerful and crazy, but also very smart.” Lord Rell exchanged a look with Commander Trenzent before nodding, “We do not believe she will bother you for some time to come. She will be too busy trying to control the damage Lady Jelizel’s accusations cause.”

“Lady Elsin,” Lorn said, “is especially interested in anything that can take Lady Melissi down. My mother has loathed her for years but has been Copyright 2016 - 2024