Kyle (Hope City #4) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,91

be ready to hand him.

“He’s seen a man around here that he knows is dealing. Told me and Margo to make sure we stay away and keep the kids away. He’s also seen him go in and out of the apartment across the street from Sal’s. He does everything he can to stay away from that. I want my kids away from that.”

Realizing the gift she just gave him, his lips curved slightly. “I’ll be sure to tell Kimberly you said hello, and we’ll come back with some better food soon.”

With a quick nod, she turned and walked back over to the children and Margo, and he turned to hurry back to the truck. Giving Alex the info, he waited as his partner grabbed the address for Sal’s Market. Pulling away from the Cottages, he could not help but stare into the rearview mirror, wondering more about the life of those who called it home.

Back on the roads of Hope City, he followed Alex’s directions. Jerry as well as Roger had been elusive, and he hoped this tip would pan out. Parking just down from the market, they watched the building across the street. Typical, old-city block of buildings. Storefronts on the lower floor, two or three floors of apartments above.

“There he is,” Kyle noted thirty minutes later, seeing Jerry crossing the street heading toward his building. Alighting from his truck, Kyle followed from behind as Alex moved into the alley that ran behind the block. With no security on the front door, Kyle had no problem following Jerry, watching as he climbed the stairs to the third floor and entered an apartment at the end of the hall.

Approaching, he knocked on the door and identified himself. Hearing a crash from the inside, he shouldered the door open, popping the chain off the wooden frame. Entering, he spied Jerry’s foot dangling over the living room windowsill as he climbed onto the fire escape. Racing after him, he tripped over some of the debris scattered about in the room. Cursing, he scrambled to the window and climbed out onto the metal landing. Following in pursuit, he pounded down the metal-grate stairs, gaining on the fleeing man. Just as Jerry leaped at the bottom to the alley, he was slammed up against the building by Alex.

“Augh,” Jerry managed to mumble with his face pressed against the bricks.

Kyle called for backup. Hearing a noise to the side, he watched as two large rats scuttled away from the garbage bins in the alley. Shaking his head, he looked at Alex. “I’ve spent as much time in the dump with rats the last couple of days as I ever want to.”

Alex laughed and forced Jerry to a seated position to wait. As soon as the officers arrived and hauled him off to the station, Kyle, Alex, and more officers searched his apartment, finding boxes labeled Kilton Pharmaceuticals. Boxes were open and some of the drugs on the table were crushed. Once HazMat transportation had taken possession of the drugs to deliver them to the lab and Kyle signed off on all the forms, they walked out of the building.

Making their way toward his truck, he glanced toward Sal’s Market and saw a dark-haired man wearing a Sal’s apron standing at the front, arms crossed over his chest, watching them. The man gave a barely perceptible nod, then turned back to the store.

“I’m glad you got to meet Aleeta and Margo,” Kimberly said, lying in bed with Kyle, her naked body half draped over his. He had come home from work and told her about the progress on the case and his trip to the Cardboard Cottages. Having been home all day, she’d fixed dinner, which he wolfed down, commenting that he had missed lunch.

Both exhausted, they climbed into bed early but soon discovered they were not too tired. Long kisses led to hands roving. Before they knew it, he had kissed down her body, his lips between her legs, and she lost herself in the sensations. Reciprocating, she flipped him to his back, sliding her lips over his erection.

Licking, sucking, using her mouth as well as her hands, she worked his cock, feeling it swell even harder under her ministrations. He warned her that he was close, but she was too far gone to heed what he was saying. Suddenly, she found his cock no longer in her mouth as he dragged her body upward.

“I come, I come inside,” he growled.

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