Kraken (Hades Abyss MC 4) - Harley Wylde Page 0,49

a baby with her, but if she didn’t want this…

“I’m done. I’ll get this to the lab and get back with you. Until then, take the home pregnancy test. If it’s positive, get some over-the-counter prenatal vitamins for now. I can call in the stronger stuff later,” Bones said.

He packed up and left. I sat next to Phoebe, reaching for her hand. She leaned against me, placing her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and tugged her closer.

“I know we talked about having another baby,” she said, “but with everything going on, I’m a little scared.”

“The people following you have backed off,” I said. “And my trip tonight will ensure no one comes after you again.”

“Until the club faces another threat. I knew what I was signing up for, Blake, but the thought of our kids being in danger scares the hell out of me. What if I’m out somewhere and someone takes me or our kids? Or all of us? I don’t want them to suffer the way I did.”

I ran my hand up and down her arm. “Baby girl, we can’t live our lives worrying about the monsters lurking in the shadows. If we did, we’d never enjoy a single second of our time together. Yes, there’s a chance you and Ember, or any other kids we have, could be in danger at some point. Just know not only will I protect you, but so will this club. We will always come for you, Phoebe.”

“I know.” She sighed. “My mind is racing with a million worries.”

“You going to be okay with me gone tonight? Do you want me to ask someone to stay here overnight?”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to put anyone out, Blake. I’m just being silly and overly sensitive. Maybe Bones is right and I’m pregnant.”

I pressed a kiss to her temple. “If you are, I will be the happiest of men. And before you ask, it’s not going to make me love Ember any less. She’s mine, end of story. I’m the only dad she’s going to know. Doesn’t matter if she has my DNA or not.”

“How long before you have to leave?” she asked.

“Soon, baby. Just waiting on Stone to get here because I want to know before I leave if you’re pregnant or not.”

She nodded and cuddled closer. She didn’t fill the silence with idle chatter, and didn’t ask me to put on the TV. I breathed in her scent and found comfort in her presence. I knew she worried I wouldn’t come back, but there was no fucking way a preacher would put me in the ground.

There was a soft knock at the door and I knew it would be Stone. I got up to let him in, but he remained outside, merely handing me the plastic sack.

“There’s a shit ton of different ones. Didn’t know what she’d want so I got three one of the ladies at the store recommended.” Stone shrugged. “Never exactly shopped for one of those before.”

I clapped him on the shoulder in thanks, then shut the door. Phoebe had been silent as she’d stood and came closer. When I turned, she was right in front of me, her gaze fastened on the bag. I gave it to her, then steered her down the hall to our bedroom and bathroom. Leaning back against the counter, I folded my arms, intent on waiting.

She blinked at me like a little owl. “You’re not staying in here while I take these.”

“Yeah, baby girl. I am.”

“But… Blake…” Her cheeks went scarlet. “I have to… pee on them.”

I rolled my bottom lip into my mouth and bit down, not wanting to laugh. She stared me down, and when she realized I wasn’t leaving, she heaved a sigh and dropped the sack on the counter. Phoebe removed the three tests inside, read the instructions for each, then, with her gaze cast away from me, she dropped her pants and hovered over the toilet, taking all three tests.

“I’ve had my mouth on your pussy, share a bathroom with you, and you seriously thought you peeing on a stick would be revolting?” I asked.

“It’s embarrassing,” she muttered.

When she’d finished, she capped the little sticks and set them on the counter. While she righted her clothes and washed her hands, I stared at the little innocuous-looking plastic sticks. It was hard to believe something so small, so breakable, could tell me if I was about to be a dad again. Copyright 2016 - 2024