Kraken (Hades Abyss MC 4) - Harley Wylde Page 0,45

the top of my head. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“I felt like someone was watching me when I was out with Aurelia. It might be nothing.”

He sighed and pulled away, staring down at me. “But it could be something. You were right to tell me. I’ll tell the Prospects to keep an eye out, and I’ll have a chat with Titan. Until then, I don’t want you to leave the compound alone. If you meet with Aurelia somewhere, take a Prospect with you, or one of my brothers. I want you protected at all times.”

I’d forgotten about the club whore until she pressed against Kraken’s side. “You really preferred that scarred freak over me?”

I sucked in a breath and tried to keep my face impassive. I didn’t want the bitch to know her words had hurt me. Before I could process what was happening, Kraken had spun and backhanded her across the face, sending her crashing against the table. I’d seen him smack a club whore once before, but not as hard as he did this time.

“You do not ever talk about my woman like that again.” He advanced on her, fury rolling off him in waves. He fisted her hair, pulled her head back, then slammed her face onto the table. She screamed as blood spurted from her nose. “You’re just a whore. You may be here voluntarily, but you’re not an old lady. The only place you have here is as easy pussy. You’re a wet hole and nothing more. That woman is my wife, my old lady, and you will show her the fucking respect she deserves or you can get your ass out of here and never come back.”

Boomer pushed past me and placed a restraining hand on Kraken’s shoulder. “Easy, brother. Know she insulted your woman, and you had a right to deal with it, but I think she’s learned her lesson. Let her up.”

Kraken backed off, but growled at her like some sort of feral beast. I went to him, trembling at his show of temper. I didn’t think for a moment he’d ever hurt me or Ember, but it still left me rattled that he’d make a woman bleed.

“Phoebe felt like someone was watching her while she was out shopping,” he said, drawing Boomer’s attention. “This may not be over yet.”

Boomer nodded. “We’ll discuss it. I’ll get Wizard on it and call Church whenever he’s dug up some shit.”

I tugged on Kraken and he let me lead him from the clubhouse. He helped me into my SUV, pressed his lips to mine, then shut my door. He gave me that sexy wink I loved so much as he walked to his bike and started it up. He followed me to the house and I saw Pretty Boy’s bike out front again. Somehow, the club’s Treasurer had become our babysitter. It didn’t bother me, and I knew Ember loved him, but I found it slightly strange. Didn’t the man have better things to do?

I stepped through the front door and heard singing. My feet stuck to the floor as I listened to Pretty Boy sing to my daughter. His voice was deep and rich, and surprisingly, he could carry a tune. Kraken came in behind me, giving me a nudge, and I went into the kitchen where Pretty Boy walked the floor with Ember.

“Quit flirting with my daughter,” Kraken said, taking Ember from him. “She’s too young for you.”

Pretty Boy smirked. “In eighteen years she won’t be.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Kraken warned.

“Thanks for watching her,” I said. “I feel like we’re taking advantage of you.”

Pretty Boy shook his head. “I love sitting with her. Makes me miss my nephew a little less. He and my sister are in good hands, though.”

I didn’t press for more. Since his sister didn’t live here, she’d obviously not paired off with one of the club members. Wouldn’t he have wanted her close? Or did he feel like his brothers weren’t good enough for his sister?

Pretty Boy made his farewells and put Ember down on the living room floor with her toys. Kraken had his phone to his ear, but he murmured so low I didn’t hear what he said. I figured that meant it was club business. Even though I’d had lunch with Aurelia, I needed to figure out a plan for dinner. If Kraken got called away, I wanted to make sure he’d eaten. I wasn’t the greatest cook, but I liked taking care of my little family.

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