Kraken (Hades Abyss MC 4) - Harley Wylde Page 0,16

with bikers were with Deuce and those who visited the Sadistic Saints. Your club was the first to show up who weren’t evil like those men.”

“Not all bikers are bad men, baby. There are completely legit clubs out there who don’t get their hands dirty at all. The Hades Abyss have legal businesses, but we also have some which aren’t so clean. What we aren’t? Men like the Sadistic Saints. We don’t hurt innocent people, or get off on being cruel, and we know a lot of other clubs like ours.” He ran his hand up and down my back. “I want to introduce you to my club, and maybe bring in some friends from the other clubs. Ones with old ladies so you’ll have someone to talk to, get a woman’s perspective on this way of life.”

“I think I’d like that.” I breathed in his scent. “I’m not tired. Not even a little. Too wound up.”

“You want to go to one of the twenty-four stores nearby? Go ahead and grab what we can? We can let Ember sleep, get someone to come sit with her.”

I knew he trusted the people here, and if I was going to make a home with Kraken, then I needed to do the same. Even if I hadn’t met many of them, they hadn’t hurt me. Poison and Brick might not have been very talkative, but they’d gotten me here in one piece. Titan had even been kind to make sure we had anything we might need until Kraken arrived.

“Do any of them know how to take care of a baby?” I asked.

“I could always get Bones to come sit with her. She seemed to like him, and as a doctor, I’m sure he knows how to change a diaper and keep our kid alive for an hour or two.”

“All right. But I think I need to shower and change.”

He swatted my ass. “Get to it, baby girl. I’ll call Bones again and see if he’s willing to come back for a little bit.”

I hurried into the bathroom and started the shower. The hot water felt good as I scrubbed my body and hair. By the time I got out, the water had started to cool. I pulled on one of my only sets of clean clothes and went to find Kraken. Instead, I found Bones. He’d kicked back on the couch with Ember cradled against his chest.

“Your man went to get a club truck. Can’t carry back a lot on a bike.”

Made sense. “Um, about earlier.”

Bones watched me, waiting.

“I’m sorry for the way I reacted. It just all came crashing down on me, and I guess it was too much. It wasn’t your fault. I got scared and overwhelmed. I appreciate you coming to see us. Thank you for watching Ember tonight too.”

“This little one reminds me of what I almost had,” he said, a sad smile on his lips. “One day, maybe I’ll get another chance. For now, you ever need a babysitter for this angel, give me a call.”

A horn honked outside and I rushed out the door. Kraken got out and went around to open the passenger side. He gave me a boost into the truck, then shut the door. As he passed in front of the headlights, I admired him. The ink on his arms. The confident way he walked. Kraken was sexy as hell, and for whatever reason, he wanted me.

“Like what you see?” he asked as he slid behind the wheel.

“Just a little.” I smiled.

Kraken winked and put the truck into gear. He turned on the radio as we left the compound, a classic rock station. His choice didn’t surprise me. The fact he knew all the words and could actually sing did, however. Kraken had an amazing voice as he belted out the lyrics to “Cold as Ice.” When the song changed to “To Be With You,” and he cast glances my way as he sang, I got goose bumps, and some part of me fell for him even harder. Just when I’d thought he couldn’t get more perfect.

He parked as close to the front of the store as he could and reached for my hand as we walked up to the doors. It felt… nice. Normal. We got a few looks as we entered the store, but I didn’t care. I knew Kraken was older than me, and he looked like the kind of guy mommas warn their daughters to avoid. He leaned down and Copyright 2016 - 2024