Kraken (Hades Abyss MC 4) - Harley Wylde Page 0,14

of the meatloaf and my mouth watered. Holy shit! It seemed my woman could cook! “It’s great, baby girl.”

She worried at her lower lip, her teeth nibbling at it. “About the phone call, with Wizard… He assured me you meant what you said. He’s working on the papers for Ember and our marriage certificate. I don’t understand how it all works, but he said if anyone goes looking, it will appear as if we’re genuinely married. The state will recognize it, and will show you’re Ember’s father.”

“How old is our little girl?” I asked.

“Six months.”

I paused. “Six months. Then you were with the Sadistic Saints for more than a year.”

“Ember was born a little early. I call her my miracle baby because I have no idea how she made it without being in a hospital. She was five weeks premature. But yes, I was with them a little over a year. I tried not to count. Not after the first few months. I gave up hope of ever escaping them. No point counting days or weeks.”

“We’ll get Bones to check her over, but I’m sure he can recommend a pediatrician for her. Anything she needs, she’ll have.”

“You say that a lot.” She smiled faintly. “All we’ve needed was each other, and now we have so much more. I don’t know what deal you had with Deuce, but I’m glad you were there.”

“Me too, baby girl. Only wish I’d known about you sooner.”

Chapter Five


I hadn’t known what to expect of a man called Bones, but his easy manner went a long way to winning me over, and same for Ember. It never occurred to me an actual doctor would be part of a motorcycle club. I didn’t know his story, and I might never hear it, but I was glad he was here right now. He’d checked me over, drawn some blood, and even taken saliva and urine samples. If there was anything wrong with me, he’d find out.

Ember had babbled to him. Watching him hold my little girl, it was clear he’d been smitten with her. She was such a sweetheart I didn’t know how anyone could ever hate her. I might not know who her sperm donor had been, but I hoped growing up under Kraken’s watchful eye, she’d never turn into a monster like the Sadistic Saints. She deserved love and happiness, and I felt she’d find it here.

He’d written down the name of a pediatrician in town, and said he’d give the man a heads-up about our situation. I only hoped they didn’t try to take Ember from me. It hadn’t been my fault she’d been born at the clubhouse, or hadn’t received any sort of medical care since then. Would they think I’d neglected her?

Bones reached over and patted my hand. “Whatever you’re worrying about, stop. Kraken won’t let anything happen to either of you. The nightmare you were living is over. He’ll take good care of you.”

“The tests you’re going to run… how long before we get the results?” I asked.

“A few days. No more than three, usually.” Bones glanced toward the doorway, then lowered his voice. “If you’ve already been intimate with him, the damage has been done. Assuming you have anything. Maybe you got lucky.”

Lucky. I knew what he wasn’t saying. I spent just over a year with the Sadistic Saints, and not once did they bother using a condom. It was surprising I hadn’t ended up pregnant again already. Oh, God. What if I was? What if there was already another baby inside me? Kraken accepted Ember, but would he want a second baby who wasn’t his?

Bile rose in my throat. This could all go so horribly wrong. What if I’d given something to Kraken? Panic welled inside me. What would his club think? Would they hate me? I dropped my gaze, shame overwhelming me. It was Deuce’s fault. He’d done this. Because of him, I was dirty.


I shook my head and backed away. My back hit the corner of the room and I sank, wrapping my arms around my knees. I’d told Kraken I could have something. He’d insisted it didn’t matter. We hadn’t discussed the possibility I could be carrying another baby by those men. Why had I listened to him? This man was being nice to me right now, but would he turn on me later? What would become of Ember then?

White noise filled my ears and I tried to make myself smaller, curling in. I felt large hands Copyright 2016 - 2024