Kraken (Hades Abyss MC 4) - Harley Wylde Page 0,11

away. Her and Ember.”

“I paid for her. Broke her. The whore will do whatever she’s told.”

I tapped the bar. “About that payment. Did her family know you had her before or after you dropped the cash on their doorstep?”

“We gave the preacher a choice,” Deuce said.

“What kind of choice?” I asked.

Deuce smiled. “He either gave up his daughter, or we would burn his church to the ground. Imagine my surprise when he gladly gave her up. Not without a little bit of a fight. He did ask for some money. Once we agreed on an amount, he let us know when and where to find her. She thought she’d been sneaky, slipping out of the house. They’d been watching and waiting. The moment she left I got a call.”

When I finished with these fuckers, I should pay the good preacher a visit. I wondered if his church members knew what he’d done. Doubtful, since he’d spread the word she went to stay with family. I would expose him, take my pound of flesh, and then I’d send the asshole straight to hell.

“You’ll have your men bring her back,” Deuce said. “Now.”

I rolled my neck, cracking it. “You seem to think I answer to you, Deuce.”

He slammed his fist onto the bar top. “You’re in my territory! My house. My rules.”

“Let me tell you exactly how I feel about your rules.” I turned to face him fully. “You’re a pathetic excuse for a leader, Deuce, and your club is even worse. You’re nothing but a bunch of murderers and rapists. Scum. It’s clubs like this one that give all of us a bad name. If I were to wipe the lot of you from the face of the earth, they’d probably throw me a fucking parade. You have no authority over me, Deuce, because I’m not weak and pathetic like the rest of these men.”

“You fucking…” Deuce stood so fast his stool toppled. He pulled a gun from the small of his back and pointed the barrel at my chest. “You can’t talk to me like that. I’m the President!”

I knocked the gun from his hand and slammed my fist into his jaw. Fury ignited in me as I thought of all he’d done to Phoebe. I plowed my fists into his ribs, his face. I heard bones crunch and watched blood fly. He’d made the mistake of talking to me without an audience. Deuce fell to the floor and I leaned over him. I fisted his shirt and yanked him closer.

“Now, you’re going to shut up and listen. The only reason you’re the President is because your club is just as pathetic as you. There’s no fucking way real men would ever follow you. Rapists. Pedophiles. Murderers. Those are the people who willingly let you lead. And since I can’t trust you to leave Phoebe alone, I’ll have to make an example of you.”

I hauled him on top of the bar and yanked the knife from my hip. I jabbed the blade between his ribs twice, then sliced it across his throat. As he gurgled and drowned on his own blood, I tore open his shirt and left a message for his club. My blade ripped through his skin as I sketched the words into his flesh.

She’s mine!

I cleaned up and went out to my bike. Watching the clubhouse, I waited a moment. No one came for me. No shouts. Nothing. I shook my head. These sorry fuckers were so damn drunk and stoned, I could probably burn the place down with them inside. They hadn’t even left a Prospect to stand watch. As tempting as it was to roast them in their beds, it wasn’t my style. I’d give them a chance. One. If they failed and came for me or Phoebe, I’d take them out.

I pulled away from their clubhouse and hit the road toward home. Other than a stop for gas and to take a piss, I didn’t take breaks. I wanted to get home to my girls, make sure they were all right, and get them settled into their new home. The look in Phoebe’s eyes would haunt me for a while. She’d been scared and uncertain. I’d hated leaving her with Poison and Brick, but I’d needed to do this.

It was late when I pulled up to the gates. Morgan, a new Prospect, let me through. I bypassed the clubhouse and went straight to the house. By now, Phoebe was probably going out of her Copyright 2016 - 2024