Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,55

on something else.”

The room fell silent as we all looked around at one another, and while I understood the need for another body in all of this shit, we needed to make sure it was the right body.

Then, an idea hit me. “What if we could possibly make it two new bodies?”

Link blinked. “Come again?”

I turned to face him. “Look, I get where your mind is at. We’re head-deep in war with two factions now and we need more manpower. More people. Right?”

Link nodded. “Couldn’t hurt.”

I snapped my fingers. “Exactly. But, what if we could potentially take this from one new body to two, and at the same time suss out who the fuck this Chains guy really is?”

Link furrowed his brow. “I’m listening.”

I grinned. “Let’s make him prove his loyalty to us. I mean, we don’t know shit about the guy anyway. It’s not like we have a formal application or some nonsense. So, let’s make him bring in a family member. One he trusts more than life itself. That way, we’ve got two more bodies to help us out with shit and we get an inside look into Chains’ life as well as the company he keeps.”

Bowser barked with laughter. “I’d hate to go up against you when joining anything.”

I held my arms out. “Not a terrible plan, huh?”

Link chuckled. “You’re a sick man, you know that? But, I like it. I’m on board.”

And when the rest of the guys nodded their heads in agreement, I made my way for the door.

“May I do the honors?” I asked.

“Lead the way, Sly,” Link said.

We all made our way back out into the bar where ‘Chains’ was sitting with a beer. That had, oddly enough, not been touched. I wrinkled my nose as I slid into the booth seat in front of him, watching as his head whipped up.

“Didn’t hear us coming?” I asked.

The guy smiled softly. “Just a bit on edge.”


Link patted my shoulder. “We have a proposition for you, Chains. Sly? You want to fill him in?”

I smiled deviously. “I’d love to. So, here’s how this is going to work: you’re going to have to prove that you’re willing to be loyal to us. To do what you’re told, even though you might not understand it. That just comes with the territory. Around here? You give trust before you get it.”

Chains nodded. “Understood. What do I need to do?”

I leaned forward. “I want you to bring us the one person who’s most important to you in your life. The one person you trust more than your own self.”

“Wait, what?”

I leaned back up. “Bring them with you. They’re going to be in our care for a little while. And once we know you’re good for it, they’re free to go.”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait. You want me to just bring some family member or whatever that you guys can hang onto as some sort of collateral? Like me turning over a wallet or some shit?”

Bowser jumped in. “They wouldn’t be held hostage. Not like that. But, we would be watching them. Guarding them. Protecting them, in a way. Because the truth of the matter is that we don’t know you.”

I interjected before anyone else said a word. “Those are our terms for you becoming a prospect. We don’t trust you, so this is how you start to earn that. Bring us the person you trust more than your own mind that we can buddy up with for a while, and you have my solemn word that they won’t be harmed until your prospect rein is done with our group. If you agree to continue.”

I saw the hesitation in Chains’ eyes and I figured we had him. In fact, I almost knew we had him. That’s why I wanted to bring up this option, because it sucked. It sucked so fucking bad, especially if he was undercover.

But, the man surprised me. “Okay.”

I swallowed. “What?”

Chains nodded. “Okay. I’ll do it. Just tell me the time and place.”

And as I stared into the eyes of a man who I knew wasn’t who he said he was, I watched him match my ‘check’ for a ‘check’.

This was going to be a long game of chess.

Want more? You can get Sly here!

More Books by Savannah Rylan

Box Sets

The Bad Disciples MC Box Set

The Road Rebels MC Box Set

Marked Skulls MC Box Set

Dead Souls MC Box Set

Dead Souls MC: Prospects Box Set

Black Hornets MC Box Set

The Lost Boys MC Box Set

The Callaghan Mafia Box Set


Link (Dragon Riders MC #1)

Bowser (Dragon Riders MC #2)

Ash (Dragon Riders MC #3)

Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4)

Sly (Dragon Riders MC #5)

Declan (The Callaghan Mafia #1)

Brody (The Callaghan Mafia #2)

Gael (The Callaghan Mafia #3)

Flynn (The Callaghan Mafia #4)

Cage (Dead Souls MC: Prospects #1)

Bear (Dead Souls MC: Prospects #2)

Saint (Dead Souls MC: Prospects #3)

Ryker (Dead Souls MC: Prospects #4)

Toxin (Dead Souls MC: Prospects #5)

Texas (The Lost Boys MC #1)

Stone (The Lost Boys MC #2)

Bronx (The Lost Boys MC #3)

Notch (The Lost Boys MC #4)

Jace (The Black Hornets MC #1)

Maverick (The Black Hornets MC #2)

Duke (The Black Hornets MC #3)

Colt (The Black Hornets MC #4)

Thor (The Black Hornets MC #5)

Jagger (The Black Hornets MC #6)

Knox (Dead Souls MC #1)

Grave (Dead Souls MC #2)

Brewer (Dead Souls MC #3)

Rock (Dead Souls MC #4)

Diesel (Deal Souls MC #5)

Girth (Marked Skulls MC #1)

Rodeo (Marked Skulls MC #2)

Abe (Marked Skulls MC #3)

Oz (Marked Skulls MC #4)

Dash (Marked Skulls MC #5)

Hawk (The Road Rebels MC #1)

Talon (The Road Rebels MC #2)

Snake (The Road Rebels MC #3)

Fox (The Road Rebels MC #4)

Gunner (The Bad Disciples MC #1)

Hunter (The Bad Disciples MC #2)

Tank (The Bad Disciples MC #3)

Glock (The Bad Disciples MC #4)

Marco (The Bad Disciples MC #5)

About the Author

Savannah Rylan is a romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading with her cat, Gris. When not penning the next great American novel, (HA), you can find her on the beach with a drink in her hand or at the gym testing out some strange new position. Yoga, obviously. She lives in Southern California with her husband and Gris, the true love of her life.

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