Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,53

do I get the feeling you’re speaking from experience.”

Hope licked her lips. “I mean not with him, but…”

Our laughter kicked up again as our food touched down in front of us, and the smell watered my mouth. Not only that, though, but it gave me a chance to really reflect. I looked around the bar at the happy patrons. I saw the bartender slinging drinks with a smile on his face and waitresses walking around and making small talk with everyone in the bar. This place felt like home. Being here with these girls felt like home. And the idea that I’d leave here to go with JayJay back to a place I already knew as home?

Life couldn’t get any better than this.

Sneak Peak at Sly

“Sly, will you calm the fuck down?” Link asked.

I shook my head. “You know this is bullshit. You know it, Link.”

His eyes narrowed. “You know our creed. You know that anyone who comes in here looking to be part of us--.”

I shot to my feet. “Fuck our creeds! We’re at war, Link! You really mean to tell me--.”

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back down into my seat. A gesture I didn’t fucking like. I glared at the man I had called ‘my President’ for the past four years and didn’t even recognize who the fuck I was looking at any longer. His woman had made him soft. Hell, all of these assholes I’d once known as powerful men had been reduced to nothing but cowards and pussies because of these women galloping into their lives. That’s why I kept women at arm’s length. That’s why I fucked ‘em and left ‘em.

Because otherwise? They’d be the downfall of us all.

Including this crew.

Link leaned toward my ear. “You listen to me good, Sly. I’ve had just about enough of your bullshit to last me a lifetime. You don’t like this guy? That’s fine by me. But, he’s come to us with a want and I’m going to at least question him about it. Don’t like it? Go find another crew.”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek until my tooth sank into a hole. The taste of my own blood had me focusing on something else instead of breaking Link’s nose. Or possibly breaking his goddamn neck. We were at war not just with Skeleton, but with the Feds now. And some guy comes waltzing up into our bar asking around for information about us? About wanting to join?

And no one thought that was weird!?

I leaned back in my chair as Link got up and walked over to the new guy. He was a scrawny-ass little thing, too. He called himself ‘Chains’, as if that wasn’t the fakest fucking name on the face of the planet, and his hair was a little too long for my tastes. His clothes were also a bit too bright. And his smile?

Well, a bit too cheery for someone who wanted to join up with something like the Dragon Riders.

“Maybe he should try Skeleton’s crew, bunch of wimps,” I murmured to myself.

The last thing we needed was to be distracted with a new group. I mean, we had just gotten back from the emergency trip to the campground. We had to lay low, for crying out loud! We’d only been back in town, what? A few hours? Just long enough to breathe? And some asshole comes trolloping into the bar acting like there ain’t shit goin’ on?

Then again, if that trip did us right then of course no one would know what was going on.

Maybe this is a good sign.

My gut told me otherwise, though.

“Ready to sink my teeth into the new guy, boys!” Knuckles exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at the triumphant announcement. Even Knuckles was a completely different man now. Before his weirdo not-really-sister came into the fray, he was quiet. Didn’t put up with anyone’s shit. Told it like it was no matter who he pissed off. And now? He was making massive introductions of himself and raising his voice and laughing like he actually had shit to laugh about.

I snickered. “Girls. They change everything.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and watched the guys surround Chains. While we may have had enough time to regroup at the campground, we sure as hell hadn’t even had enough time to shit in our own toilets. I mean, it felt more like an ambush than anything else! I expected to come home, wait a few days, possibly have some church Copyright 2016 - 2024