Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,50

back with supplies. That means someone else will have to run out if we’re gonna continue to stay here.”

Sly pointed up at him. “That was actually my plan. I brought back a few things, but I figured in a couple of days we can send someone else out in civilian-wear and see how they feel. See what they come across.”

We all looked over at Link while he mulled over the information.

“That’s actually not a bad idea,” he finally said.

I raised my hand. “I volunteer, if no one else wants to do it.”

Bowser patted me on the back. “That’s nice, but I’ve got this one.”

I furrowed my brow. “I don't mind doing it. I trust you guys with Simone.”

Bowser shook his head. “It isn’t that.”

Link smiled. “He’s our behind-the-scenes man.”

I blinked. “Come again?”

Link spelled it out for us. “Bowser’s the one who’s kind of kept his head down with all of this. While we’re out doing inventory at the storage shed or running back and forth to that house or out on patrols or out there making connections, Bowser’s the one in the office crunching numbers and ordering stuff for our bars. You know, doing the shit that needs to be done to keep our businesses afloat. Not a lot of people lay eyes on him. So, putting him in regular clothes and sending him out would be like—”

I cut him off. “—like sending in someone who’s already camouflaged.”


I looked over at Bowser. “You sure you’re good with this? You don’t want to talk it over with your girl?”

He snickered. “Would you have talked it over with yours?”

I paused. “Good point.”

The guys and I had a nice little laugh before things got serious again.

“We’ve got one shot to get this right. One shot to execute our plans the way we see fit,” Link said.

I nodded. “We won’t let you down.”

And as the guys murmured their agreement, I found myself staring out the window once more. Taking in Simone’s presence over by the outdoor water cooler while she talked with the girls. Suddenly, so many plans burst within my mind’s eye. Vacations and time off and new furniture for the house. Contractors carving out our perfect bathroom and landscapers creating a small garden for her to tend to, if she still enjoyed those like she did when we were younger. Everything hit me all at once: the life we’d share and the home we’d create and the children we might have.

Children. I might become a father someday.

And while I’d never seen something like that in my future, I saw it with Simone. I saw it every time her eyes locked with mine. I saw my bride, and my lover. My best friend and my confidant. And maybe even one day, I’d see the mother of my child in her eyes while her body swelled with my seed.

Whatever was destined for us, it was worth protecting. It was worth fighting for. It was worth risking everything if it meant getting everything else in return.

So, I buckled my soul down for the fight ahead of us.

Because it sure as hell wouldn’t be an easy one with the plans, we had ready to put into motion.



Despite what most people might have thought, the two weeks I spent with JayJay and everyone else at that campsite were wonderful. Every night, we stayed up with the moon hanging over our heads while we roasted steaks, hot dogs, and hamburgers over an open fire. Every morning, it was s'mores for breakfast while coffee percolated in every trailer we had. It felt like a dream, waking up to JayJay every morning. It felt fantastic, wearing myself out beneath him every night before we both passed out in a flurry of our own sweat and heavy breathing.

But once we got back to his place, things only got better.

Despite the chaos that was his current residence, I saw potential there. And our first night home, there wasn’t even a question of where I’d go. Or where I’d sleep. It felt natural to be there with him. It felt natural to be at his side.

And I never wanted to be anywhere else.

“I’m sorry this place isn’t any nicer right now,” JayJay said.

I dropped my bag of things in the foyer before I closed the door around me. I took stock of the popcorn ceilings and the carpet that had been half-peeled away in the living room to my right to reveal the beautiful hardwood floors beneath it. To my left, a staircase Copyright 2016 - 2024