Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,44

of a tactical mind. But that smart mouth of his and that “I can do anything I want” attitude would be the death of him.

We knew how he felt about all of us shacking up with someone. We knew he felt like we were all selling out by having families and finding someone to love. But one day, I knew he’d understand.

So, all I did was wink at him before turning back to Link.

“So, how the fuck do we get this bastard once and for all?” I asked.

Bowser sighed heavily. “Million-dollar question, huh?”

Link raked his hands through his hair. “We could let the Feds have a shot at him. See if they can make a dent.”

Sly shrugged. “That’ll happen anyway since we’re tucking tail out here.”

Bowser barked at him. “Hey! We’re doing that for a damn good reason.”

He nodded toward the door. “Yeah. Because of those women out there. And if we didn’t have them, we’d have the balls to get involved.”

Ash’s deep voice resonated beside me. “Last time I checked, when we ran the first time and came up with this plan? None of us had girls.”

Link pointed at him. “He’s got a solid point there.”

Sly rolled his eyes. “Whatever. We can lay low and let him get away again, then we can be right back to square one once we have the balls to emerge.”

Bowser approached him. “You got something you want to say?”

Sly bucked up to him. “Yeah, actually. I do. All you guys tumble over yourselves for those girls out there, and for what? To put them in harm’s way? To give them a life no girl ever dreams of as a child? To put them right in the middle of bloodshed and violence and all of this bullshit? And for what? So, you can fall in love? So, you can get laid? So, you can feel a little less alone?”

The trailer went stone-cold silent as Sly flopped into a chair.

“Why don’t you guys just drink like the rest of us lonely men do?” he murmured.

The girls got louder, and it pulled my eyes back out the window. I saw them stumbling and laughing as one of them held a bottle up high in the air. And as the sun finally set beyond the trees, I saw them all walking toward my trailer. Toward my truck. Toward the place Simone and I would share for the foreseeable future while this shit worked itself out.

“We better wrap this up soon before the girls destroy it,” Link said with a chuckle.

I turned to face the guys. “Now that Sly’s done with this pity party, do we want to talk about how the fuck we’re going to figure out whether or not the heat has died down?”

Bowser nodded. “Glad you asked. I say we give it two weeks before we send a scout. Possibly one of the girls? There’s a very good chance the police simply haven’t connected us to them, so one of us could duck down beneath a blanket in the bed of one of the trucks while their girl just cruises into town. Takes in the sights. Maybe she gets some groceries or some shit. That should give us a nice look into how hot it still is back home.”

Sly clicked his tongue. “And what if the Feds get their hold onto Skeleton and he gives us up? What do we do then?”

Silence seemed to be the theme song of this particular church meeting.

“Well, if that happens, then we roll with the punches,” Link said.

Sly shook his head. “Sounds like Skeleton isn’t the only person backed into a corner.”

I barked at him. “Hey! You gonna contribute something of worth to this meeting? Or are you gonna keep bitching like some Sally that put whole milk in his skim-based coffee?”

Sly furrowed his brow. “The fuck does that even me—”

“Enough!” Bowser roared.

I swear, the fucking walls shook at the booming of his voice.

“That’s enough out of both of you,” he hissed.

I held up my hands in mock surrender as Sly sat there, shaking his head. The truth of the matter was that none of us had a clue what to do except keep our heads down. Never in our lives did we think this would spiral out of control so damn much. Never in our wildest dreams did we think we’d have to resort to a back-up plan we’d only had to use one other time. We were flying by the seat of our pants, just like Skeleton. Copyright 2016 - 2024