Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,42

corner of that kitchen. I looked at the screw tops with pride before I walked over, and I immediately screwed the top off one before taking a big swig of it.

“Well? How’s it taste?” Hannah asked.

I grimaced as my body shook. “Like toenail fungus and sweaty asshole. But! It’ll do the trick for cheap wine.”

Joanna took the bottle from me. “I’d take anything if it took the edge off at this point.”

I settled the second bottle of wine beside my chair as the bottle got passed around. And when we had all taken a sip, I capped the bottle and set it between my legs. The girls and I talked for what seemed like ages, getting to know one another and listening to the stories of how they met their men. I was shocked at some of the stories. Like Joanna, with her law office and how she got wrapped up into all of this. And Hannah, with her cousin that apparently backstabbed someone? Or something?

“Is that what they’re talking about in church? Something to do with all of this stuff going on?” I asked.

Hope giggled. “Well, ‘church’ is their way of just getting the guys together, in general.”

Joanna nodded. “But whenever Link makes the call for church? It’s usually business-related.”

I paused. “So, club related?”

Hannah reached for the bottle. “They’re one in the same. Can I have some more?”

I handed it to her. “Go for it. We could use another pass-around, anyway.”

Hope pointed at me. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Your trailer isn’t set up yet! It’s not hooked up or anything right now, is it?”

I shook my head. “No…?”

Joanna shot up out of her chair before she took a long pull of wine. “Come on. We can get it hooked up. How hard can it be?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

Hope walked over to me. “Come on. Joanna doesn’t know how to do shit, but I watched all of the guys hook up their trailers. I can remember most of it. And plus, it’ll be nice for you and Knuckles to be able to spend some time together after that meeting instead of him trying to hook this damn thing up and get it organized in the first place.”

I stood up. “That does sound kind of nice.”

Joanna trotted off toward the trailer. “Come on, guys! Time’s ticking!”

Hope leaned into me. “She doesn't drink much.”

I giggled. “Obviously.”

And as Hope took one of my arms while Hannah took the other, the three of us headed for my trailer.

While Joanna skipped effortlessly in front of us.



I tried my best not to peer over my shoulder as I walked with the guys toward Link’s trailer. But as we approached the shining side, I caught a glimpse of the girls’ reflection in one of the back windows. I saw Simone sitting there with the rest of the ladies around a small fire as a smile crossed her face. She looked like a natural with them. She looked as if she belonged. And as the guys headed into the cramped space that Link and Joanna were sharing for now, I drew in a deep breath.

Maybe this would be the one part of my life that wouldn’t implode.

Sly’s voice piped up first. “Why the fuck are the Feds targeting us right now?”

Link sighed. “Can we at least get the door closed? Ash?”

I looked over and watched the mountain of a man nod before he closed the door behind him. And still, the man had to stay ducked so his hair wouldn’t brush against the ceiling. I had no idea how the fuck Ash would make it through the next few days—or even weeks—out here without being able to stand up straight.

Then again, he could just spend it lying down in bed.

Like I wanted to do.

“The only idea I’ve got is that the police department called in reinforcements after the last bust in the park,” Bowser said.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. And since we were technically there, maybe someone spotted us and ratted us out or some shit,” Sly said.

Link shook his head. “Our police stations wouldn’t do that to us. Not after all we’ve done for them. Not after the connections we’ve made. Something else is at play here.”

I shrugged. “Any theories? Because I got none.”

“Zilch,” Sly said.

“Naha,” Ash murmured.

Link held up his hand. “All right, all right. I got it.”

He sighed as his arm slowly gravitated back to his side. Then, his eyes locked with mine.

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