Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,37

almost went down for some shit.

Man, I hope he’s okay.

I didn’t know why the fuck the Feds had their eyes on us, but I had a feeling it had something to do with Skeleton. Whether they had been watching for a while and found some of our pursuits, or whether they thought we were wrapped up in his shit, I wasn’t sure. My gut said the former, but my worries said the latter. The only thing that kept me grounded was Simone’s grip around my waist.

And the way she fisted my leather jacket.

“We’re here,” I said.

After flying down the highway toward our “emergency exit,” we had to snake our way through woods and dirt roads past old, abandoned cabins out in the middle of nowhere. In upstate New York, everything was either protected woods, city-owned woods, or wild woods. And it gave us a lot of places to duck and hide. I parked my bike in the shadows behind a dilapidated tree that had fallen to the ground and helped Simone off the back. And after pulling and tugging at our bags to get them away from the bike, I rushed around to find a dark green camo tarp.

Before tossing it over my bike and tucking the ends underneath the tree.

“Damn, I can’t even see your bike with that tarp the way it is,” Simone said.

I nodded. “Good. Hopefully, our trail goes cold here. Come on. And be careful not to step in any mud.”

She furrowed his brow. “Why mud?”

I marched toward the opposite end of the field. “Because the Feds can track you by your footprints now!”

I rushed over to the other side of the field and thanked my stars when I found it still sitting there. I noticed that the other trucks attached to camper trailers were already gone, which meant all of the guys had gotten out. That gave me some hope, but not a lot of it.

And Simone and I still weren’t safe.

“Come on!” I exclaimed.

I watched as she hopped from grass patch to grass patch, taking my words to heart. And damn it, if I hadn’t already loved this woman, I would have fallen in love with her at that sight.

“Coming!” she yelled back.

I watched as she made her way up to the truck before her eyes bulged. I gave her one second to herself to study what was in front of her before I pulled her into the truck with me. She scrambled over my lap as I closed the door, and I growled as her toes came dangerously close to pushing against my balls.

“Come on, Simone,” I growled.

“I’m here, I’m here. You can go. Just don’t leave any tire tracks behind, if you can?” she asked.

I grinned. “Ask, and ye shall receive.”

The great thing about these tires was that they were damn near bald. Made it almost impossible for the Feds to track them if they even found tracks to study out here. The problem? Bald tires meant a much higher risk of blown tires, car accidents, and getting stuck on the side of the road. Where we’d be nothing but sitting ducks.

So, as I eased my way out of the woods and back onto the road, I kept my eyes peeled for any trucks with campers on the side of it.

I drew in a deep breath as we cruised down the highway. I kept a watch on the muddy tire tracks behind me and prayed with all my might the mud would be off before I had to take the exit. If I was still leaving tracks, I’d have to go up the highway, turn my ass around, and try again.

However, the tracks stopped following behind me on the road when we were still four exits away.

“Thank fuck,” I breathed.

“What?” Simone asked. “What is it?”

She slipped her precious hand into mine and I threaded our fingers together. Drawing from her as much energy and strength as I could.

“Too much to explain. In four more exits, we’re going to get off and make our way back through some woods. We’re meeting up with the guys at an abandoned camper village in the middle of nowhere. Been off the grid and the map for years now.”

She nodded slowly. “Do you guys own it?”

I shook my head. “No. No one owns it right now. It’s right smack dab in the middle of the ‘wild woods,’ as we call them out here.”

“Wild woods?”

I nodded. “Yep. Not owned privately and not owned by the government to be Copyright 2016 - 2024