Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,35

of the bar. “Everything looks intact out here.”

Justin nodded slowly. “Not even a tipped-over trash can.”

I was hoping that might mean good news. But I’d quickly figured out that one could never be certain when with JayJay.

“Let’s go inside. Don’t let go of my hand, okay?” he asked.

I nodded. “Okay.”

With his hand tightly clasping my own, we walked into the bar. JayJay’s head was on a swivel, so mine was as well. And I noticed something a bit odd.

I didn’t recognize anyone in the bar.

Granted, I wasn’t sure why I would. I suppose I figured his guys would be working it or something. Like, maybe this was their meet-up place? Like a clubhouse or some shit? But even as Justin kept his head on a swivel, he said “hello” to no one. No one rushed him or hugged me or congratulated us on getting back. It seemed odd for a group of men that was supposedly helping me and tracking down some dangerous dude.

We approached the bar before Justin spoke. “Hey, dingleberry. Come here.”

I shot him a look. “Could you be any ruder?”

The look Justin pinned me with sealed my mouth shut. Mostly, because he looked like he was about ready to kill someone.

“Yeah?” the bartender asked.

Justin leaned forward. “What’s the word on the street?”

The bartender slowly leaned forward. “Respect my authority, sir.”

I stepped up to the plate. “Now, you listen here. We’re trying to find some people that are incredibly close to—”


“—us, so I suggest you stop giving my man attitude and start—”


I jumped. “What!?”

He tugged me toward him. “We have to go.”

I shivered. “Where is everyone, JayJay?”

“You have to trust me, all right? But we have to go. Now.”

He tugged me around the bar before we made our way into a back room. That back room poured out into a hallway, and Justin quickly tugged me down it. He dug out some keys in his pocket before unlocking an office with the name “Bowser” on it, and when we stepped inside, he quickly closed the door behind me.

Then, he walked over to a computer.

“Can you talk and type?” I asked.

He started typing away. “No.”

“Well, technically you just—”


I jumped. “Sorry.”

I watched the computer screen and realized what he was pulling up. Video cameras. Possibly security cameras? Some of the little square boxes had names on them, though. The Steel Tavern. The Copper Rivet.

“There,” Justin said.

I squinted as I looked down at a small square on the screen that had the caption “The Lead Pig.”

“What?” I asked.

He pointed again. “See that unmarked car?”

I paused. “Yeah, I do.”

“See that one?”

“Uh huh.”

“And that one?”

I blinked. “You don’t think…?”

Justin looked over at me. “The Feds are in town. We have to get out of here now.”

When he took my hand, this time I was prepared to run. He reached for something attached to the wall before we raced down the hallway, charging out the back door of the bar. We wrapped around and got back to his bike before we leapt back on it, speeding off down the road. And now, I understood why he wanted to stock up on gas before we left.

“Where are we going!?” I shouted as my hair flew around my face.

Justin cranked up the speed. “First, we’re picking up supplies. Then, we’re getting the hell out of here. We have an off-the-grid storage unit. We can cherry pick some stuff for ourselves there to keep us afloat for a week or so.”

“I don’t have much money on me!”

“Not necessary where we’re going!”

After about thirty minutes of driving, we pulled off the road and onto a gravel road. That soon gave way into a dirt road. I clung to JayJay for dear life as my body darted around. And by the time we pulled into a dilapidated parking lot, my tits hurt from slamming against my body so much.

“Come with me,” Justin commanded.

And I didn't hesitate to do as he said.

When we walked into the storage unit, though, it was more like walking into a miniature warehouse. Easily the side of a house in suburbia, every closet and room was stacked with everything from clothes to MRE’s to an arsenal of weapons.

“What should I grab?” I asked.

A bag hit me in the face. “Anything you can pile in that bag. That’s all the space you’ve got.”

I pulled it off me. “Are there any clothes in here?”

He pointed above him. “Upstairs, all the way down the hallway. Most of it might be too big for you, but it’s better than Copyright 2016 - 2024