Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,27

want to.”

“But I wanna.”

I cocked my head. “Why? Why would you rather hide than be seen?”

She pulled away from me. “Hide and seeeeeek!”

I was able to finally move my hands. “Simone!”

“Bye bye, Jayjay!”


I shot up in bed like a bolt of lightning with a cold sweat dripping down my neck. I swung my legs over the edge of the mattress and got up, then pulled my t-shirt up to my face. I wiped off the wetness as I leaned against the wall, looking for something to hold me up. And as the midday sun streamed through the windows, I scrambled to find a clock.

“Holy shit, it’s already noon,” I breathed.

I had lost so much time sleeping in that I’d wasted half the damn day. I threw my clothes on, not bothering to shower, and quickly splashed some water in my face. I grabbed an energy drink from the fridge and cracked it open, chugging it as quickly as I could. Then I threw it into the corner that was piled up with Dr. Pepper cans and grabbed my things.

My wallet. My phone. My keys.

It was time for me to get back on the road.

I knew I smelled like hell and looked even worse. But I couldn't waste any more time for the day. I was already out five hours as it was, and I didn’t need to be out any more time. I had to widen my search radius. Maybe I needed to go more east than anything else. So, I slung my leg over my bike and slammed my helmet onto my head.

Before my Bluetooth started ringing in my ear.

I picked up the call. “What now?”

Bowser sighed. “We’ve got a lead on Skeleton. Figured you might want it.”

I growled. “Where is that son of a bitch?”

“Well, it’s not him, so calm down. But we do have sight of his men at that warehouse they’ve purchased. Ash says it’s still in their possession. They haven’t unloaded it to someone else like they have the motel. So, you need to go over there and do your original job. Recon on that building.”

“Not a fat chance in hell.”

“Not even if that’s where they might be keeping Simone?”

I swallowed hard. “You think they are?”

He clicked his tongue. “I know you’re hurt. And you’re worried fucking sick. But if we’re going to find Simone? Or her body? Then, we have to keep our sights on Skeleton. You know that’s who took her, right?”

“Yes. I know it in my gut. And you know how my gut’s always been.”

“Yep. I do. So, take this lead. Go do the damn recon, and you have permission to search the grounds for any signs of Simone. Someone comes at you? Put ‘em down. None of us are playing around anymore.”

My hand gravitated to the gun on my hip. “Wonderful. On my way.”

“Good. Let us know when you’re out of there. Meanwhile, Ash and Sly have been out since six this morning searching for Simone. We won’t let that front drop off.”

I paused. “What?”

He chuckled. “You think we’re gonna let family drop off the radar like that? Hell, no. You do your job, and we’ve got your back. Since when the fuck is that a surprise?”

I wasn't sure what tears felt like anymore. But the burning sensation behind my eyes reminded me of what it felt like.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Dude, anytime. Now, go to your job. Once you’re done with recon—and I mean a full recon—you can get back to searching. Just try to keep your room clean, yeah? Apparently, there have been some complaints about a smell coming from your room.”

I revved my engine. “Keeping tabs on me?”

He snickered. “Always. Let us know if you need anything.”

“I will.”

And I meant it that time, too.

I headed down the back roads lined with woods that would shield the sound of my bike. Then, when I was half a mile out, I pulled off onto the side of the road and hid my bike in some bushes. I pulled my gun and crouched down, preparing myself for the long trek through the woods.

Then, my phone vibrated on my hip.

“Now, what?” I growled.

I yanked my phone out of my case and held it to my ear.

“What is it now?”

Sly yelled in my ear. “We’re in pursuit! We’re in pursuit!”

I leapt back toward my bike. “In pursuit of who? Where are you?”

Crackling sounded on the other end of the line. “Skele—’s men. In a Wen—off the—ramp.”

I shook my head. “I can’t hear you. You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024