Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,22

to give up, though. I’d never give up until I found her breathing or her body ready to be buried. I didn’t know what the hell I’d do if I found her dead, though. I didn’t see myself coming back from something like that. Not after she blazed a trail back into my life and reminded me what it meant to feel alive again.

“Simone!” I roared.

I cupped my hands over my mouth while parked in a Wendy’s parking lot and called out her name. It was the only thing I could think to do at that moment. I had exhausted every avenue. Patrolled every exit. Followed those fucking tire tracks for hours outside of our intended destination in the hopes that I’d find her. Or some clue that led to her. Or some shred of evidence we could use to magically track them down.

But there was nothing.

This time, Skeleton came more prepared than I’d ever seen.

“Simone!” I called out.

My Bluetooth headset in my helmet rang and I immediately ignored the phone call. It was Sly, and I sure as hell didn’t want to talk to that sarcastic fuck right now. But the second I ignored his phone call, my Bluetooth told me Ash was calling. So, I ignored that.

And on the heels of that phone call followed Bowser.

After ignoring everyone’s phone calls, I turned off my Bluetooth altogether. If all they wanted to do was bug me until the end of time, then that was what I had to do. I knew the guys were worried about me, though. I knew all they were doing was checking up on me. But after the blowout fight I had with Ash and Sly after they’d gotten to the motel, I wasn’t in the mood to speak with anyone.

Then, my Bluetooth dinged in my ear.

As if I had turned it on myself.

“Come on,” I grumbled.

I turned it back off before the ding happened again. And I knew exactly what was up.

“All right, you guys wanna do this? I can do this,” I murmured.

Every time I turned my Bluetooth off, it dinged back on. No matter how many times I did it, someone elsewhere remotely triggered it. So, I took my helmet off altogether. But after I heard my Bluetooth ding once more with my helmet in my hands, a call came through.

And my Bluetooth told me it was Link.

“Fuck,” I growled.

I let the call ring and ring, but I didn’t pick it up. Maybe if I rode without a helmet for a while and let shit go to voicemail, they’d finally get a grip. Yes, I bitched out Ash and Sly. Yes, we all got into a fight. Yes, I broke Sly’s nose and took Ash’s knees out from underneath him. So, what?

It wasn’t like they wanted to help, anyway. All they wanted to do was try to keep me at the motel when I needed to be out searching for Simone. “You need sleep,” they said. “We can start in the morning,” they said. “I’m sure she’ll be fine until you can get some shut-eye,” they said.


It was like Ash completely forgot what the hell happened to his girl or something.

They showed me no compassion, and I wasn’t in the mood for it. So, I tucked my ringing helmet away and decided to risk it for a while. I cranked up my bike again and eased out of the Wendy’s parking lot. I set my sights back on the rest stop and turned myself around. I didn’t know why the hell I kept being drawn to that place. But every time I was there, it felt like I was missing something. Like a massive piece of this puzzle was right in front of my nose, and I just kept looking in all the wrong places.

“Maybe one more look might help,” I whispered to myself.

My phone vibrated against my hip and it made me roll my eyes. I almost unhooked my phone and tossed it into a ditch had it not been for the picture on my phone I was using to help track down Simone. Still, I let it vibrate and vibrate as I put it out of my mind. But pretty soon, my phone wasn’t just vibrating.

It was ringing.

Even though I hadn’t switched it to ring.

“I’ve had just about enough of your shit, Ash,” I growled.

And just to show off? Every time my phone rang, and I sent it to voicemail, the friendly hacker known as Ash would change my ringtone Copyright 2016 - 2024