Knuckles (Dragon Riders MC #4) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,15

this. Tell him how you feel. How you’ve felt for a while now. And the worst that will happen is he’ll tell you that he doesn’t see things the same way.”

My eyes watered at the mere thought. “It’s going to suck if he does.”

“But it won’t be the end of the world. That’s what I’m trying to get you to see. You’ve spent too much of your time and money tracking him down over the years. Chasing after those postcards he sent you. Trying to figure out how he knew where you were even though you didn’t know where he was. You have your chance to get all of those answers if you’ll just flap those lips of yours.”

I giggled. “You’re right, I know.”

“Good. Now, go get ‘em, SiSi. You got this.”

I drew in a sobering breath. “Right. Yes. I’ve got this.”

“And call me right after to tell me all about it.”

My face fell. “Girl, if things go right? You’ll be the first phone call after a couple of hours.”

“Woooo, SiSi! Gettin’ salacious up in here.”

I smiled brightly. “You know me. Always sexin’ it up.”

“He’s a lucky man, honeybee.”

“And I’m a lucky woman. At least, I hope I will be.”

“All right, enough with the speculative pity party. Go get your man. And call me the second you can, okay?”

I nodded. “I promise.”

“Good. Love you, girl.”

“Love you, too.”

As I hung up the phone, my mind raced. I slid it into my bra beneath my dress and peered over my shoulder. JayJay seemed like such a different person now, and I wondered if we could actually have a future together. I mean sure, he had grown into a man. He was no longer the scrawny teenager I grew up with. But he’d found a family he belonged with. He had friends. A home. A place to call his own. He seemed so content and good with where he was.

What if I didn’t have a place in the picture he’d painted for himself?

Just get over it and talk to him already.

“I can talk to him while we walk,” I murmured to myself.

A soft breeze kicked up and I closed my eyes. I let it wash over me, comforting me even as my stomach continued to jut out from all the food I practically inhaled. My dress fluttered around my thighs. I smoothed my hands down the fabric, trying to make sure it didn’t kick up too far. And when I opened my eyes, I felt a surge of strength rush through my veins.

Before I heard a car door close behind me.

I whipped around and searched for where the sound was coming from, especially since I didn’t hear a car pull up. But I didn’t see anyone out in the parking lot. I slowly backed up toward the motel door as that rock settled in my gut.

The rock that was always there to warn me of danger afoot.

“Hello?” I asked.

I didn’t get a response, though. Just the rustling of the leaves as the breeze blew harder.

“Anyone there?” I called out a little louder.

And after my stomach settled back down, I turned to open the door.

Before I hand clamped down over my mouth from behind and dragged me away from the motel.

“Justin!” I shrieked.

But even I heard how muffled my voice sounded.

“Justin! Please!”

Simeone dragged me back as tires screeched to a halt behind me. And as I was tossed into the backseat, I finally let out an ear-piercing scream.


Before something cracked against my temple and knocked me out.




The second I heard her scream I leapt out of the shower. With the water still running and steam clouding my view, I rushed into the room and tore through the unlocked door. I didn’t give a shit that I was naked. I didn’t care that people would see me without clothes on. The only thing I cared about was Simone.

And the fear in her voice.

“S!” I roared.

I tore outside and stepped straight into a cloud of burnt rubber, making me cough.

“What the fu—Simone!”

All that greeted me were squealing tires, though. And when I stepped through the thick cloud of disgusting smoke, all I saw was a car careening onto the main road. I didn’t have enough visibility to clock anything about the damn thing. I didn’t know make, model, or even the fucking color! It was too dark outside and coupled with that goddamn smoke, I didn’t stand a chance.

“Shit!” I roared.

Panic flooded my gut. My eyes dropped to the ground and I tried to scout out Copyright 2016 - 2024