Knox (Merrick Brothers #1) - Prescott Lane Page 0,60

friend, but with you, it doesn’t matter how many cons there are. Honestly, there aren’t many. Really, only the distance.

I know how hard it must have been to make that cassette, to send it, to wait for me to respond. To me, the most important thing about love is to appreciate it, and protect it. Not to overlook it. My dad always drops me and my mom off at the door of a store if it’s raining. That’s love.

My mom sends him a text when she’s running late. Love.

Most love isn’t big. It’s not jewelry and flowers. Love is in the details. The small, everyday acts.

The cassette tapes.

That’s the key to a long relationship, I think.

Notice the love.

This is me noticing.

This is me saying . . .

I love you, too.



Gigi’s party is in full swing. It’s a beautiful Colorado evening. The sky is painted in pinks and oranges, the wildflowers are in full bloom. The lake looks extra bright today, like Mother Nature knows it’s Gigi’s day. I’ve got tables and chairs set up outside. My place is too small for everyone to be inside. All of Gigi’s friends are here, Everly and Timothy included. Amy showed up, too. I’m glad she came; it’s good to see her away from the office. I’ve got music playing. It’s been a warm day, so I’m wearing a bikini top under my tank top and shorts. Several party goers are already swimming in the lake. It’s low key, but it’s been a wonderful time.

Two of the three tiers of birthday cake are gone. Gigi didn’t blow out any candles, but the Silver Sirens did perform a very sultry version of “Happy Birthday” in her honor. It was a hoot!

Thomas has barely left her side all day. I still can’t get used to it. That was always my grandfather’s job, being her sidekick. He worshipped the ground she walked on, opening every door for her, never letting her carry a single bag in his presence. Seems like Thomas has the same affliction.

There are a lot of single people here. Granted, most of them are AARP members, but for the first time in a long time, I feel like something, or rather someone, is missing.

My sidekick.

I’m in my twenties. Most of the time when I go to functions, people my age are coupled up. It’s strange, but it’s human nature. We are pre-programmed to seek companionship. I think it’s the only explanation for blind dates and arranged marriage. We scrounge up dates to weddings, parties, class reunions. Hell, I’ve even had a caller or two that took a date to a funeral.

Normally, I’m okay flying solo. My own company is often better than a random guy, but today feels different. I wish Knox was here.

I catch myself. Wishing for him is bad, unbelievably bad. No matter what he says, I don’t think he’s here to stay. He has a big life. Haven’s Point wasn’t enough for him when we were kids, and it’s not going to be enough now.

Maybe what I’m really wondering is whether I’m enough.

Am I enough to keep him coming back? And for how long?

I step outside, a bit away from the party, and pull out my phone to text him. We haven’t talked yet today. He’s doing media interviews all day, but he did send several cases of vintage champagne over to toast Gigi. That was a sweet touch. I send him a quick thank you text, not expecting him to respond, but my phone dings almost immediately.

Knox: The least I could do after that picture you sent me.

He didn’t exactly get the ugly underwear picture he asked for, but I figured he’d prefer a full nude, anyway. If we’re going to do the whole long-distance thing, I figured we had to find ways to keep things spicy. I just sent a body shot, though. The first rule of nude selfies is don’t ever show your face!

Knox: Naughty girl!

Me: Don’t get callouses!

“Don’t tell me your phone is blowing up, too?” Everly says, walking up to me. “These GroupMe school moms are about to drive me crazy.”

Startled, I hear my phone ding again, but don’t look at it. “GroupMe?”

“That app is the devil,” she says. “It’s like a group text on steroids. The preschool parents at Gracie’s school are all on it. In theory, it’s a good idea. Helps everyone keep up with things.”

“That doesn’t sound bad.”

“It is when everyone has to thank each other for responding. Then a dozen or so Copyright 2016 - 2024