Knocking Boots - Willow Winters Page 0,77

went through a good number of boxes in the living room,” he says, jerking his thumb over his shoulder as he comes into the room.

“I made a decent dent,” I sigh.

He comes over to the bed, eyeing me. He swoops down and kisses me. The faint smell of beer follows him.

“You look like you could fall right asleep.” he comments and then does just want I knew he would. Plants a kiss right on my lips.

“I don’t know,” I only answer once he breaks the kiss. “Maybe?” Right after the word is spoken, I involuntarily yawn.

“I guess that answers my question,” he says with a rough chuckle, winking at me and heading to the master bath.

“No, wait,” I say, tugging his arm. “Tell me something. I don’t want to fall asleep without talking a little bit.”

He looks at me for a long moment, then shakes his head.

“What?” I ask.

“I was going to wait until you’re more awake, but…”

He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a Ring Pop. Scrunching my face curiously, I watch as he gets off the bed, kneeling on the floor.

“What are you doing?” I ask with a stupid grin on my face. A Ring Pop?

“Asking you to marry me, if you don’t mind.”

My mouth falls open and my heart thumps loud and fast. I stare at him, and he looks back at me, the hint of a smile on his face. But also nervousness. Holy shit. No he’s not really. Goosebumps break out over my body.

“You’re kidding,” I accuse.

“I’m not. I’m just waiting for a sign that you want to hear the words.”

“I… I…” I try to answer with my lungs refusing to work.

My throat closes up, and tears threaten. I am officially speechless. I manage a nod.

“Yes? You want to hear them?”

I nod again.

“I love you, Grace Campbell. I don’t want to lose you ever again. I want to build a life with you. I want us to have a family, together.”

Yes. Those are exactly the words I want to hear. That thudding in my chest gets harder and I watch him pull a small black velvet box from his back pocket, the opposite one that the Ring Pop was in.

My eyes prick with tears and I sit up straighter.

He pauses. I press my fingers to my lips. I can’t believe this is really happening.

“It’s been in my back pocket for almost a week now, Grace. I wanted it to be perfect. I want everything to be perfect for you. For us.”

“Charlie,” all I can say is his name.

“Grace, will you marry me?” Charlie asks, looking at me with those soulful green eyes.

I launch myself off the bed, tackling him. My kisses land more on his face than his mouth, but Charlie doesn’t seem to mind.

When the kisses taper off, he slides the diamond onto my finger, the ring sparkling and shining bright. It’s a large diamond, I don’t know how many carats, but it sits perfect on my finger.

Charlie chuckles. “You approve?”

“I love it,” I answer, brushing the tears from my face.

“So tell me what I want to hear.”

“The kissing and tackling weren’t evidence enough?” I tease.

“Not for me,” he says, his eyes sparkle and the smile on his face widens. “Not when it’s something this important.”

I lean in and kiss him tenderly. “Yes, Charlie. I want to marry you.”

“Good. Because I want to do this with you forever. I’m all in.”

“Forever?” I question.

“Forever,” he repeats.

“I love you, Grace.”

“I love you too, Charlie.”



The sound of keys tapping rattles through the house. Grace is busy at work again. I roll in the bed onto my side and stare at the digital red numbers, 4:33 a.m.

The bed groans as I shift my weight and crawl out of bed. My sweetheart’s been getting into this habit lately. It started before the wedding when she knew she’d be taking time off.

And now she’s at it again.

Ever since she was promoted and in charge of her own team, she works nonstop. Well, mostly. But just like me, we make time for each other.

My wedding band clinks on the doorknob as I open the bedroom door wider and follow the soft clicks of her laptop in the office.

I lean against the doorframe, resting my head there and watching her for a moment.

She’s made my house a home. Leaving work is now enjoyable, knowing that I’m coming home to her beautiful smile.

The faint light from her computer bathes her in a glow. My lips creep up into a smile. No, Copyright 2016 - 2024