A Knight of Passion - By Tarah Scott Page 0,42

burnt through the thin sleeve of her dress. She swallowed in an effort to quiet the quiver that threatened to flip her stomach. Confess, her mind screamed, but she dared not. Sir Dunbar had threatened a clash between their men if Lord Camden didn’t release her. How many men would die if Sir Bryant decided he must fight to wed her a second time?

Chapter Twenty-One

Fury even darker than the first wave rolled over Bryant. His wife had fled at the first sign of trouble, then he’d arrived at Arundel to find another man’s hands on her. Lord Camden’s cock was firmly inside his hose, but Bryant wasn’t such a fool as to have missed the possessive way the man gripped Riana’s arm. The earl would have spread her legs before even leaving the keep. Then, between Arundel and Castle Barr, he would have bent her over a rock and fucked her arse. The only question Bryant hadn’t answered was whether Riana welcomed the man’s attentions.

Only last night she had acquiesced to Bryant with the passion and willingness of a woman in love. His jaw tensed. Perhaps Sir Dunbar was right—women didn’t change.

Riana snapped her head in his direction and he realised his fingers had tightened around her arm without his volition. They reached the postern door and he opened it, allowing her to precede them.

Men-at-arms with the crests of Lord Fostar, Lord Camden, and the Duke of Arundel filled the great hall. The duke’s men stood in quiet groups throughout the room. Bryant wasn’t surprised they were subdued. They wanted the duke to be dealt with so that they could quickly distance themselves from the traitor they had served.

“Lord Camden.” A man near the table hurried forward. He met them half way across the room. “There is a maid who may know where the duke has gone.”

“What has she to say?” the earl demanded.

The man shook his head. “She refuses to speak with anyone but you.”

“My wife and I can await you in her former bedchamber,” Sir Bryant said. “That will give her time to gather her belongings.”

“You will not go anywhere,” Lord Camden ordered.

Bryant canted his head in acknowledgement. “Of course not, my lord, but surely you understand I would rather Riana was not in the fray.”

The men showed no signs of breaking into a mob, but Bryant couldn’t be sure the duke didn’t have some men still loyal to him. If things turned ugly, he didn’t want Riana in the middle of a fight. Not to mention the nearly overwhelming compulsion to get her alone and whip her to within an inch of her life—then kiss every inch of her body.

“I will instruct the guards that no one is to leave,” Sir Fostar said. “Our first duty is to find the duke.”

“It will be your neck if they leave.” Lord Camden turned to the waiting man and they strode towards the kitchen.

Lord Camden disappeared into the sea of men and Sir Fostar faced Bryant. “Be quick. The earl will take Lady Ellis when he returns.”

“But I gave you the information that allowed you to bring the sentence of forfeiture against the duke and duchess,” she said.

“You?” Sir Bryant cut in.

She nodded.

He snorted a mirthless laugh. “Lady, you are a fountain of information.”

She shot him a look that should have rendered him to ash. “Indeed, sir. I was in a unique position to gather information.”

A mental image flashed of her positioned in front of the informant as his cock pumped into her mouth. Bryant seized her wrist.

“Can we simply ride out of the gates?” Sir Dunbar interrupted.

“Leave by the quickest way you can,” Sir Fostar said.

“The guards will report you have allowed us to escape.” Riana said.

Bryant tightened his grip on her wrist. “Shall we leave by the passageway Siusan used to make her escape?”

Riana’s mouth thinned. “My lord, if you regret coming here, leave.” She yanked free of his hold and faced Sir Fostar. “I cannot allow you to risk your neck for me.”

The older man’s face softened. “Lord Camden holds no sway over me. But if he leaves with you, Riana, we cannot stop him, save by battle.”

She nodded, then faced Bryant. “There is no need for you to risk your life either, my lord. I can fend for myself.”

Her pictured her fending for herself against a band of men in the Scottish Highland wilds, and the terror he’d experienced upon learning she’d left Chilgoriam dug deeper into the gaping wound in his soul. He opened his

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