A Knight of Passion - By Tarah Scott Page 0,38

his arms around her and she felt the pulse of his seed shooting into her. Her walls contracted around him. He thrust again, hard, deep, crushing the breath from her. Suddenly, he stiffened, his body a mass of muscle in the instant his release rolled over him, and he collapsed on top of her.

His breathing came hard and heavy. Riana drank in the feel of his hard, masculine body pinning her to the mattress. He lay still but a moment, then slid off her, pulling her into his warmth.

“Witch,” he murmured, and relaxed against her.

Chapter Nineteen

Riana winced when Glen stepped from the stall where he had hidden and brought his fist down on the nape of the warrior who had accompanied them from Chilgoriam. The young man crumpled to the hay-strewn floor of the village stables like a sack of potatoes.

“Riana,” Siusan protested, but Riana quieted her with a stern look. The stables looked empty, but if a stable boy had decided to sleep the morning away in one of the stalls, they couldn’t risk giving away the fact that Riana was not going to France with Glen and Siusan as her note to Sir Bryant had said.

“Are we alone?” Riana asked Glen.

He nodded, then grasped the warrior beneath his arms and dragged him into the stall. Riana hurried forward to the fourth stall, where Siusan’s horse was.

Siusan trailed after her. “This cannot be the best way to deal with the duchess,” she insisted.

Riana swung open the door. “We have already decided. I will not risk your or Sir Bryant’s life.” She stepped inside, grasped the horse’s reins, and backed him out of the stall.

“He is no fool.”

Riana handed her the reins. “No. But neither is he invincible. You know as well as I that the duchess will not give up. I will not ask him to look over his shoulder the rest of his life.” She stepped down to the next stall where she’d left her horse and led him from the stall.

Glen appeared from within the stall where he’d left the warrior and hurried towards them.

He reached Siusan’s side and she grasped his arm. “Glen, tell her.”

His eyes softened, but he shook his head.

“This is not wise,” Siusan persisted.

“You must trust me,” Riana said.

Siusan locked gazes with her. “I know you have no intention of coming to France.”

Riana blinked. “Of course—”

“You will not risk the duchess taking her vengeance out on Sir Bryant.”

“True,” Riana replied. “But once Sir Andrew brings the duke and duchess to heel, I will leave.”

“And how long will that be? What if Sir Andrew does not deal with them? Even if he does, that does not guarantee she will not try to harm Sir Bryant.”

“I will come to France,” Riana said. “Glen.” She looked at the old man. “You must leave now.”

Siusan’s mouth thinned, but she did as directed and mounted her horse. Riana stepped into her saddle and Glen hurried ahead of them. He paused at the door, peered outside, then motioned them forward. They urged the horses out of the door and away from the bustling village street, around the stables where Glen had a horse waiting. He mounted and pulled up alongside Riana.

“A day’s ride and you will be in Aberdeenshire. Take the first ship away from here. From there, you go directly to France.” Riana edged her horse closer to Siusan. “It will be a hard ride, but freedom awaits you.”

She threw an arm around Siusan and hugged her close. She discerned the tremble in her sister’s body and gave her a squeeze before releasing her. She looked at Glen. “Find a way to send word, and I will let you know that all is well.”

Doubt flickered across Siusan’s face.

“No time to delay,” Riana urged.

Her sister nodded, and Riana nodded to Glen. His eyes moistened. Riana smiled. He smiled back, then he and Siusan started forward. Riana watched until they disappeared in the trees, then turned her horse south towards Arundel.

* * * *

Dawn had begun a grey crawl across the sky when Riana entered Arundel. The knot in her stomach had grown tighter over the last twenty-four hours. By now Glen and Siusan would be on a ship bound away from Scotland. All that remained was to face the duchess—that and the days she would spend in Sir Ross’ bed until she could leave Arundel knowing the duchess couldn’t harm Sir Bryant.

Riana was left waiting in the duchess’ anteroom, where the older woman had watched Sir Bryant fuck her

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