A Knight of Passion - By Tarah Scott Page 0,21

and pressed closer.

He thrust his tongue inside her mouth with a fierceness that took her breath. He tasted, sucked, then flicked his tongue against hers just as he had her sheath only a few hours before. Her core tightened, and heat spread through her like wildfire. Her knees weakened and she couldn't halt the whimper deep in her throat. He broke the kiss, then crushed her to him. Riana startled at the loud thump of his heart. He remained unmoving, and she dared not break the spell for want of understanding his strange mood.

At last, he grasped her shoulders and held her at arm’s length. “One thing yet remains to finalise the marriage.”

She frowned, then grasped his meaning. “But last night —” She cast an embarrassed glance at the priest.

“Last night was before we took vows,” Sir Bryant said.

“How can we possibly consummate the marriage now?” Riana looked at Father Vaughn. “Surely this is not necessary?”

“No marriage is considered truly valid until consummated. If there is reason to believe the marriage will be challenged…”

“Could we not just say it was done?” She gave a nervous laugh. “Who is to know?”

“Perhaps no one,” the priest replied. “But it can be known that you did consummate the marriage.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come with me.” He turned towards the door.

Sir Bryant followed, pulling Riana beside him, then called over his shoulder to Sir Dunbar, “You too, my lord. If anyone arrives, it is better they do not find you until this business is finished.”

“This business?” Riana repeated.

Father Vaughn led them back inside the church and around the altar. They hurried through a door in the right hand corner, and down a narrow corridor to a door on the left. He opened the door and stepped aside. Riana gasped at sight of a small bed located against the right side of the room.

She jerked her gaze to Sir Bryant. “This is sacrilege.”

“We have the sanction of a priest,” he replied.

Riana swung to face the priest. “Surely this is not permitted?”

He shrugged. “Why not? You are married.”

“But that is your bed,” she insisted.

Her husband bent and whispered in her ear, “We need not use the bed.”

She jerked her gaze up to his.

Confusion played across his face. “I did not mean—” He cast a helpless glance at Sir Dunbar.

“Do not look at me, lad. She is your wife.”

“Go.” Father Vaughn gave them a gentle push across the threshold and closed the door behind them.

Riana stood frozen as her husband faced her.

Chapter Eleven

Bryant took three steps to the small table beside the bed, undid the belt that held his sword in place, and set belt and weapon on the table. He turned and faced his wife. She stared, eyes wide, as if she expected him to eat her. His cock was already hard as rock. Eating her was exactly what he wanted to do. But she was his wife, and they were in a chapel.

Did a man fuck his wife as he had Riana last night? Would she expect him to treat her differently now that she was a wife, instead of the woman who had found a stranger in her bed? He recalled her cool fingers on his neck when she brought his mouth to her nipple, the way her fingers had wrapped around his shaft and squeezed until pleasure tightened his balls to near pain. By God, he would not last a day, much less a lifetime, being nothing but gentle with her. But today, now, he must be gentle.

He crossed to her and stopped inches in front of her, then lifted a hand to her face. She jumped. Bryant slowly traced her cheek with a finger. Her brow furrowed in obvious confusion. She clearly had no idea what to expect. He couldn’t help a private laugh. He had no idea what to expect himself. He had never been married, had not planned to marry any time soon, and wanted nothing more than to back her against the wall and fuck her so hard she would forget all the other men who had come before him.

With great care, he wrapped an arm around her and kissed her, careful not to pull her close enough to feel the erection that pressed against his hose with a vengeance that threatened to force him past reason. If she knew his cock had remained rock hard from the moment he’d laid eyes on her sitting on the warden’s desk, she would attribute his sudden marriage proposal to pure lust and

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