Kissing Under the Mistletoe - By Marina Adair Page 0,87

set of brown eyes staring back at her.

Regan was flat on her back in Gabe’s guest bed, his hands were up her shirt, and, when she shifted her hips, she wasn’t wearing any underwear. And she might have been purring.

“Morning.” His voice was gravely and soft and sexy as hell. He nipped at her lip and then delivered a toe-curling kiss. Yup, she was definitely purring.


Regan stopped midkiss. Her lids snapped open, the blinding light from the sun pierced her eyes and instantly cleared her mind from the sex-fog that was Gabe DeLuca. She took stock and, realizing just what she was doing, shoved him off and pulled the sheets to her chin. “What are you doing in my bed?”

“It’s my bed, but I’m more than willing to share.” He grinned, tugging on the blanket.

“What?” She frowned, then said, “Oh, my God! What time is it?”

“Eight fifteen.” He rested back against the headboard, calm as could be.

“I’m late. And it’s Holly’s last day of school before break. She has her party. Her cookies—” Regan scrambled out of bed, felt a cold draft on her bottom, and leaped back under the covers, wrapping them securely around her. “Her cookies and our clothes are at home. You have to leave so I can get dressed.”

“I’d rather you stay naked.” He ripped the blankets back and she squeaked. “As for Holly, ChiChi picked her up ten minutes ago. Showed up with a change of clothes, a bag lunch and enough of Pricilla’s special Christmas cookies to get twenty-four kids hopped up on sugar and food coloring.”

Regan felt herself relax and, after covering herself in a cocoon of pillows, actually flopped back on the bed and closed her eyes. Then they snapped open only to find herself staring up into Gabe’s eyes—again. Gabe, who was now missing a shirt.

“How did she know I was here?”

“She makes it her business to know, and before you start freaking out...” He smoothed the stress lines out of her forehead and the pillows off her legs. “I think last night was a setup. Actually, I think she has been setting us up from the beginning.”

“Really?” Regan didn’t know why that made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it did.

“She sent you the job offer from Ryo.”

“She did?”

“Then made me bring you that cake. And she’s been doing everything in her power to get us in the same room. Alone and often. In fact, she gave me explicit instructions to go back to bed when she left.”

“Gabe, are you trying to tell me your grandma wants you to sleep with me?” Suddenly she didn’t mind the lack of clothes.

“Sweetheart, I’ve been waiting forever to get you in my bed. Sleep is the last thing I had in mind.” He rolled on top of Regan, and she realized he wasn’t wearing any pants either. He was blessedly naked and, as he slid between her legs and pressed against her, ready to go.

“This isn’t your bed, exactly.” Not that she cared. When he held himself over her like that, his arms did the most amazing thing: they got even bigger and bulged and she couldn’t help but slide her hands up them.

“We’ll get there.” He kissed her languidly, taking his time to build the heat, until her whole body was shaking with need. “We’ve got a couple couches to try out first. Oh, and I have this swing on the back porch that I went out and bought cushions for.”

“You bought new cushions? Why?” Regan choked out as he nibbled at the sweet spot right behind her ear.

“Because watching you sleep naked, outside on that chaise with your hair all wet and your body slick, was about the sexiest thing I’ve seen.” He rested his weight on one elbow, freeing up his other hand. Grabbing her shirt right below her breasts, he slowly tugged it up, baring her stomach, her nipples, and over her head, his eyes taking in every exposed inch. “Been thinking about it for days. Wondering what it would have been like to splay you out so I could lick every inch of you.”

Regan slid her legs around the back of his thighs and, arching her hips, slid right over his length. “Want to move to the porch?”

“First, I want you here, in this bed, so I can touch every inch of you with my hands until you explode.” His hands already roaming over her chest, belly button, hips, everywhere. He trailed a single finger down Copyright 2016 - 2024