Kissing the Shy Guy - Stephanie Street Page 0,71

I have to wait, but you don't."

His emotions were at war. He wanted to go, but he wanted to stay, too—for me. But I couldn't let him. He had to do this. He'd always regret it if he didn't. But there wasn't much time.

"I'm not leaving you." He'd pulled out his stubborn, but mine was bigger.

"Yes, you are. Now get on it before you miss your chance to sing in front of twenty-thousand of Carly Ryan's fans." I grinned at that because we all knew those people weren't there to see Breakout. But one day they would be, and I'd be so proud to say I'd been friends with Adam back in the day. One day I'd tell my kids he'd kissed me.

That thought almost made me sad.

It was like he could read my mind because he framed my face between his hands and pressed a hot kiss to my lips. "Next time, you'll be with me."

"Why can't she be with you this time?" a familiar voice asked at my elbow. My jaw dropped as I looked into the almond-shaped eyes of my sister.

"Melly?" I threw my arms around her neck and hugged her tight. Over her shoulder, I spotted my parents, grinning ear to ear. "Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?"

It was my mom who answered. "We couldn't miss the biggest performance of your life, could we?"

My eyes popped even wider if that were possible. "You were here? You saw it?"

All three members of my immediate family nodded.

"And you were wonderful, honey," Mom said, opening her arms to hug Melly and me both.

That was when I lost it. "I can't believe you're here," I sobbed into my mom's neck as she rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry, Jenny. It should never have even been a question," her soft words soothed my bruised heart. Maybe it didn't heal it entirely, but it was a start.

"Thank you, Mom. Thank you for coming. It means so much to me." And it did. My mom had chosen me!

"I love you, Jen." And that just made me cry harder, especially when my dad joined the family hug and kissed the top of my head.

"But why can't you be with Adam," Melly asked, her voice muffled inside our huddle.

"Oh! I forgot." I scrambled out of my family's grasp to find Adam watching us with a grin. "You have to go!" I glanced at the time on my phone. "Like now!"

"Jenna, no." He shook his head and opened his arms for one of Melly's attack hugs. Dad had been giving him a mean mug up to that point.

"Adam, yes." I turned to my parents. "Adam's band is singing with Carly Ryan tonight here in New York. And if he doesn't leave right now, he's going to miss it. I'll find you guys as soon as I shove him into a car."

Adam pushed at my hands as I struggled to drag him to the main entrance where the car waited.

"What about the announcement?" he asked, batting my hands away as I pushed him. We didn't have that far to go, but he was putting up a fight.

"I'll wait. I already told you. I'll send you a text as soon as I know."

"But what about my parents? They're here, too," he protested, but I hadn't forgotten about his parents.

"I think they already left." That got him to stop.


I nodded. "Jarom called your mom. She and your dad and Diana should be on their way soon." I was a little surprised we hadn't run into them as they left the building, but then again, Adam was making a big fuss and taking way longer than I expected to convince.

And then, my mom said something that had us both gaping. "We'll wait for the announcement. You both should go."

"Yes, I agree," my dad said, nodding. "You guys go. We'll stick around here and wait for the announcement. We'll call you as soon as we hear something."

I shook my head. "But you guys are here. I don't want to leave you."

"It's fine. We'll meet tomorrow for breakfast." Mom glanced at Adam and me, clinging to each other for dear life. "Both of you."

I looked to my dad, but he nodded and mouthed the word go. I bit my lip and tipped my head to meet Adam's steady gaze.

"Will you come with me?"

"Do you want me to?"

His mouth twitched. "What a stupid question."

Was I really doing this? The whole thing was insane! My parents showing up and now a concert?

"Please, Jen."

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