Kissing the Shy Guy - Stephanie Street Page 0,59

sparkled with tears.

Seeing her in pain and knowing it was within my grasp, comforting her, was more than I could take.

I needed her. Maybe a month wasn’t a long time, but when you considered the hours we’d spent together, it seemed I’d been holding myself back for an eternity.

Slowly, giving her time to stop me if she wanted, I lowered my mouth, never taking my eyes off hers. But I had to be sure.

“Tell me no. Tell me to stop, or I’m going to—”

She didn’t give me a chance, closing the distance herself with her mouth on mine. Happy to let her take control, I reveled in the way she kissed me. Soft and warm, her arms came around my neck as she pressed her body into mine.

“I won’t leave you,” I murmured between kisses. It had become more important than it should to prove myself to her, for her to have faith in me.

Jenna ignored my words, renewing her assault on my mouth. I let her until it was my turn to be the aggressor. With one swift move, I swept my arm under her knees, dragging her onto my lap. I kissed her again and again, needing the contact after so many weeks being with her but not touching her. It still wasn’t enough. And I didn’t mean physically.

Yanking my mouth from hers, I tugged her hair, tipping her face until our eyes met.

“Do you believe me?” My voice sounded strained even to my own ears.

Doubt shadowed her eyes. I fell against her, crushing her to me, knowing it would tear me apart if she denied me now.

“I want to,” she choked the words, muffled against my collar bone.

“Trust is a choice, Jenna,” I whispered into her hair. “What will it take for you to choose me?”




What would it take? Good question. I wanted to trust Adam. I wasn’t trying to be difficult. Pushing people away never made me happy, but it did protect me from heartache. Melly, Bella, and Lydia were the only ones I trusted these days. Everyone else had let me down one too many times.

But Adam hadn’t, a tiny voice whispered and pressed against him like I was, I could almost believe he wouldn’t. He felt so good with his arms and his familiar scent wrapped around me. I could get lost in his kiss for hours, days, and never need to come up for air.

“Jenna.” His shirt was soft under my cheek, but his chest was solid. Where did a guitar player get so many muscles? They were subtle, lean, and sexier than I ever could have imagined. What would it be like to lift the hem of that shirt and press my face into his skin?

It wasn’t just physical, either, this reaction I had to him. Adam was the real deal, and a part of me recognized the truth—he wouldn’t hurt me, not on purpose.

So what did that mean? Would I take a chance on him?

“I will be there for you, Jenna. No matter what happens.” He pulled back to frame my face with his hands, his eyes warm, dark pools. “Won’t you give us a chance?”

It was like he could read my mind. It was terrifying and gratifying all at the same time. And wasn’t that what I wanted? Someone who knew me, understood me, and wanted me despite it? Was Adam that person? Was I willing to take the risk to find out?

The answer was yes. Not knowing I was going to do it, I nodded. Adam’s expression changed from pleading to restrained hope.

“Are you serious?”

Darn him for giving me an out! But I wouldn’t take it. I didn’t want to take it. I nodded again, but he still shook his head.

“No. You have to say it. I need to hear it. Jenna, please say you want to be with me.”

“I do.”

Adam’s eyes slid closed. When he opened them again, his jaw twitched. “And you’ll give me a chance? You’ll give us a chance?”

“I will.”

He surrounded me, his arms, his mouth, his very essence. I never thought of myself as a romantic, but somebody should have filmed this moment. If not for anyone else, for me. Still, I’d never forget it. I’d replay it in my mind whenever I wanted. Besides, with Adam, I had a feeling there would be more moments to remember. At least, I hoped there would be.

“I could stay here forever,” he murmured against my lips. “But we should go.”

“Do we have to.” I was pouting, Copyright 2016 - 2024