Kissing the Shy Guy - Stephanie Street Page 0,29

with her between my legs. “Is this okay?” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest.

She nodded.

I watched carefully. I needed to know, to choose my next course of action with more information than I had. I knew what my hormones wanted but still possessed enough working brain cells not to rush into anything. Yet.

Jenna’s brow puckered. She studied me right back. For a second, the shutters over her eyes flew open, giving me what I needed—a window into Jenna Bradford. I saw her strength. Her pride. On the other side of those? Vulnerability. Bingo. That was the kicker, the one that did me in.

I didn’t ask any more questions. Nothing else mattered. Later there would be plenty of time to discover the rest of Jenna’s secrets. For now, I was going to kiss her.

It was almost savage, this need I had to connect with Jenna. It reminded me of a song we sang that Asher had written. I’d never thought about it before, but now I wondered if he’d written it about Jordan, about them. I’d never experienced the emotion. Emotion seemed too tame a word for what I was feeling. Either way, I’d never felt it before. Inexperience had kept me from understanding.

I understood now.

Despite the way I was feeling, my kiss wasn’t savage. With my eyes never leaving hers until we were too close to keep them open, I gently touched my lower lip to hers and waited. Her breath stuttered across my mouth, but she didn’t pull away.

I tilted my chin up, bringing our lips together more fully and waited again, recalibrating my senses. I didn’t want to miss anything, not her taste, her scent. She was content to let me set the pace. She didn’t hurry me, only un-fisted her hands and smoothed them over my chest.

I slid my hands over her back and felt her shiver. That was the end of ‘slow’. I moved my mouth over hers again and again. Her lips were full. She felt warm and soft against me.

“Why?” she asked when I finally lifted my mouth away from hers.

“I don’t know,” I replied and kissed her again.



Adam Smith kissing me was the most exciting thing that had happened in a long time. My body tingled to its core. He smelled like leather and spicy cologne, and something I knew without knowing was just…him. I liked it. I liked him. When he asked me to come with him, I never imagined we'd end up locked in a passionate kiss. But here we were on a perfect night, sharing a perfect moment.

I'd asked him why. Did it even matter? Not to him. He didn't know or wouldn't say.

"Much as I'm enjoying this," Adam murmured between soft kisses. "This wasn't exactly why I brought you here." That was disappointing. At least, until he kissed me again.

"Why did you then?" Would he know the answer to that question, I wondered, kissing him back.

It was a crazy thing, kissing someone. I barely knew Adam, but now I knew what he tasted like, the scent of his skin. My hands had been wandering over his chest and torso, exploring every smooth ridge and plain without a single complaint from him. I'd become intimately knowledgeable without knowing his favorite food or favorite color or if he followed any sports teams or even his favorite band.

I wanted to know those things. I wanted to know everything.

Adam pulled back, sliding his hands from my back to upper arms. The heaviness in my eyes took a moment to clear. He wasn't in any better shape with swollen lips and hooded eyes.

I licked my lips. His jaw was dark, with a hint of whiskers. The edges of my mouth burned where they'd rubbed against it.

"Should I be sorry for that," he asked. "I didn't bring you here to kiss you."

I shook my head, unable to look away from him. "No, you shouldn't be sorry." I wasn't sorry. I didn't want him to be. "But why did you? Bring me here, I mean?"

His hand touched my cheek. It was warm and rough. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. I had to do something about it."

My breath caught. No one had ever said anything like that to me before.

Adam took a deep breath and sat back, creating some distance between us. I almost reached out to pull him back. I had a feeling whatever he said next I wasn't going to like it. I wanted to go back to Copyright 2016 - 2024