Kissing The Hero - Christina Benjamin Page 0,77

laughed again, but there was not an ounce of joy in the sound. “You, Layne. You’re what’s wrong. Or maybe it’s me. Because I must be stupid, right? I mean, I actually thought you were different. I thought you cared. But you’re just like everyone else.”

“What are you talking about?”

Wyatt crutched closer, hatred radiating off of him like steam on asphalt. “Why are you here, Layne?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing back the sting of tears. I will not cry! “I came to check on you. And . . . and to tell you about school and our music, and . . . and to . . . to . . .”

“To what? Get me to fall for you so you could get what you really want?”

“What? No. What are you talking about, Wyatt?”

“Give it up, Layne! I can see through your little act now.”

“What act?”

He shook his head, a wicked snarl curving his face. “You almost had me, but you’re just like everyone else. Just using me to see what you can get—my father, fame, fortune. Well, I’ve got news for you. It’s not going to happen. So why don’t you stop embarrassing yourself and leave?”

My mind scrambled to catch up. He thought I was using him?

I don’t know why that stung, but it did. And maybe my heart was already too broken to hurt anymore, because a strange calm flooded my veins as Wyatt’s words sunk in.

I didn’t know if I was in shock or what, but I was no longer scared and confused. I was angry, and that anger slithered under my skin like ice, protecting me from the words he’d just used to impale my heart.

It was my turn to advance on him. I took a step closer, then another. Only stopping when we were mere inches apart.

My eyes locked on his, my voice steady. “Is that really what you think of me, Wyatt? After all this time, after everything we shared, you think I was using you?”

He gave an indifferent shrug. “If the shoe fits.”

I pressed my lips into a firm line, nodding slowly as I willed the cool collected feeling to settle over me. In reality, I could feel cracks forming along this façade. My world felt so breakable right now, my insides a churning pit of despair, but I would not let Wyatt see it.

This was not how I thought things would go, but if this was truly how Wyatt felt, then he didn’t know me at all and there was nothing here worth fighting for.

The thought gutted me, but what could I do? Suddenly, I felt tired, like all the hope and joy I’d ever possessed had been plunged into darkness with the flip of a switch.

But I refused to leave without speaking the truth.

“Fine, I’ll leave,” I said. “But before I do, get one thing straight. I came here tonight for you. To tell you that today was the best day of my life, because people saw me in my music, and they loved it. So much so that I’m leading the vote on the website. But here’s the irony, Wyatt. I couldn’t enjoy a minute of it because all I wanted to do was share it with you.” I huffed a sad laugh. “I came here tonight to tell you how I really feel. That you matter more than the music. That I’m choosing you. But I can see that it doesn’t matter. Your mind is made up.” I gave a weak shrug. “I guess you’re not who I thought you were.”

“Right back at ya,” he said, as I picked up my keys off the counter.

I should’ve just kept my head high and walked out the door, but his words hurt me no matter how much I told myself they didn’t. I turned back and glared at him. “You know what, Wyatt, maybe your dad’s not the problem here. Maybe it’s you.”

“That’s rich coming from someone who’s using me.”

I gave him one final look. “Think what you want, Wyatt. But you’re wrong.” Then I walked out the door, my heart splintering with every footstep.

Chapter Fifty-Five


When my front door slammed closed, I threw my crutches across the kitchen, my chest heaving with anger. I didn’t know what to think, but the things that were whirling through my head weren’t good.

Layne had vehemently denied she was using me, but I didn’t believe her. Why else would she show up at my house unannounced on the one day my father happened Copyright 2016 - 2024