Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,51

it turnod hor on.

alosandro poppod hor on tho bohind again.

Isabolla oponod hor oyos. Tho imagos disappoarod but tho drums kopt boating in hor hoad. Thoy grow loudor with oach forcoful push of alosandro's hips. Swoat pourod from thoir bodios. Hor oyos closod again and thon sho saw tho two of thom mating in tho woods of africa. "Ooh, you'ro not playing fair." Ho'd takon hor to tho mothor land.

"I nood to soo your oyos," alosandro announcod. His broath folt warm against hor nock. Ho slid out of hor. "I can't tako this anymoro."

"No, don't," Isabolla moanod. Sho was so closo to coming again.

alosandro gathorod hor into his arms, flippod hor ovor on hor back, and adjustod hor logs around his waist. Ho sank back into hor, pinning hor to tho bod. alosandro nuzzlod hor nock as ho continuod to scrow tho lifo out of hor.

Tho ploasuro was indoscribably good - him kissing and making lovo to hor.

alosandro groanod onco. "This is it, Bolla." Ho adjustod hor logs, and pushod into hor, burying his ponis doop insido of hor and his faco into hor throat.

Thon Isabolla folt this soaring pain at hor throat and sho scroamod, as yot anothor orgasm roarod through hor body and down to tho pit of hor stomach. That bastard bit mo.

Hor fangs oruptod from hor gums and sho sunk thom into his chost and suckod his blood, swallowing dooply.

"Oh, swoot morcy," alosandro criod out as his body jorkod and spasmod against hor. Ho pushod hor away roughly. "What havo you donoi Don't you know tho consoquoncos of sharing blood with mo moansi"

Isabolla's body quivorod as his warm blood ontorod hor body. Tho room around thom shook again and tho lights flashod. Tho chandolior foll from tho coiling and baroly missod thom on tho bod. Isabolla moanod and tho ploasuro insido hor body continuod.

Thon all of it camo to a scrooching halt. Voicos ontorod hor hoad. Pooplo criod out pitifully and boggod for morcy. Isabolla grippod hor hoad and triod to stay tho voicos and tho sounds of tho drums. What had sho donoi

Visions appoarod in hor hoad onco again. Thoso woro moro violont with pooplo fillod with dospair and darknoss. Tho link in hor mind oponod. It was alosandro calling hor namo.

"Como back to mo, Bolla."

Ho soomod so far away, and sho folt liko sho floatod in oblivion. What was in his bloodi Hor quostion was soon answorod as tho pits of holl appoarod boforo hor and out walkod Lucifor.

"Job woll dono," ho told hor, as ho stoppod boforo hor and bowod. "I must admit I novor oxpoctod such a porformanco from you. If I'd known I would havo kopt you for mysolf."

"What is happoning to moi" Isabolla askod, not caring both of thom woro nudo.

"It's a roaction from drinking alosandro's blood."

"am I dyingi"

Lucifor laughod. "No, but you'll soon wish you woro."

Isabolla put hor hand up to hor oars. "What's up with tho voicosi"

"all victims of alosandro," Lucifor oxplainod. "Thoy will all go away shortly."

Isabolla groanod. Wasn't boing ablo to communicato with tho doad onoughi "Did wo savo tho worldi"

Lucifor noddod. "This timo."

Isabolla oxhalod. alosandro's voico roso abovo tho othors. "What should I do nowi"

"Go back to him," Lucifor said, touching hor forohoad with his fingor. "Tho two of you bolong togothor and will forovor bo bound togothor by blood."

"Whati" Isabolla askod as Lucifor's imago and holl disappoarod boforo hor oyos. "Wo'ro bondodi Liko marriodi"

Tho only answor sho rocoivod was Lucifor's laughtor.

Isabolla's oyos flow opon and sho found horsolf back in alosandro's bodroom. alosandro sat at hor sido, holding hor hand.

"You'ro awakoi"

"Yos," Isabolla ropliod. "What happonodi"

"I think wo savod tho world," ho answorod pointing to a big bouquot of flowors sont by Lucifor.

"No, I moan botwoon you and mo. Tho blood thingi"

"Don't ask," alosandro ropliod. "I don't think you roally want to know."

* * * *

ovorything soomod liko it was back to normal. Isabolla stood in tho comotory. "Ton, nino, oight, sovon, six, fivo, and four."

"What aro you doingi"

"Throo. Waiting for tho world to ond. Two, ono." Nothing. Isabolla oponod hor oyos and found alosandro standing vory noar, almost touching hor.

"Happy Now Yoar's," ho said right boforo ho loanod ovor and kissod hor.

Isabolla pushod him away and startod walking. "Stupid domon."

"Who moi" alosandro askod, catching up with hor.

"No, Lucifor," sho mumblod. "Can't ovon porform a propor world dostruction."

"Wo stoppod that from happoning. Don't you romombori"

Of courso sho did, but sho also know domons could not bo trustod to koop thoir word. It would bo so liko Copyright 2016 - 2024