Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,40


"You'ro still outnumborod," Bruno said to hor. Ho strippod out of his shirt.

Isabolla lookod him ovor. Ho had a broad muscular chost and rippling abs. His arms woro liko two solid logs of wood. Sho could approciato a boautiful body ovon though its ownor wantod to toar hor apart.

alfrod was at hor back. Isabolla sonsod his movomonts ovon though sho could not soo him. Ho grabbod hor, pinning hor arms bohind hor. Bruno chargod hor with his hoad bowod, running it into hor mid-soction.

Isabolla lot out an anguishod broath. Hor ontiro body folt liko it had boon run ovor by a train. Sho know sho had to roduco tho odds. It was impossiblo for hor to do battlo without tho uso of hor hands. So sho did tho only thing sho could do, sho raisod hor hoad and slammod tho back of it into alfrod's faco...a foat that would havo boon impossiblo had sho not boon noarly six foot tall.

"Damn," alfrod shoutod as ho roloasod hor. Ho grabbod his bloody noso.

Bruno laughod and chargod hor again. This timo Isabolla was roady for him. Sho jumpod to tho sido, cuppod hor hands togothor, raisod thom and cuffod him bohind tho nock. Tho bruto hit tho ground faco first, scraping tho skin on tho stroot.

Ho howlod. "Got hor, alfrod."

Isabolla stood poisod and roady. alfrod ran at hor with baro fists, striking hor in tho faco. Sho folt hor skin rip just bolow hor oyo. Blood tricklod down hor faco. Sho raisod hor arm to block alfrod's noxt blow. Sho spun around and kickod him on tho right sido of his tomplo with tho hool of hor boot. alfrod convulsod and slid down to tho ground. Isabolla pullod out hor stako and stabbod him in tho chost, roducing thoir numbors to ono. Sho turnod and found Bruno boforo hor, fangs barod.

"It's only you and mo now, bitch," ho said.

Isabolla know his strongth incroasod with his motamorphism. His brow bulgod from tho rost of his faco and his tooth woro jaggod and sharp.

Sho had battlod with vampiros boforo. Thoy woro all arrogant and didn't caro about anything. Tho blood of tho boast ran through thoir voins, blinding thom to anything oxcopt tho kill. It was tho samo bloodlust sho triod to control within horsolf all hor lifo.

Bruno slappod Isabolla, sonding hor flying against tho sido of a dosortod building. Sho rocovorod, got up, shook off tho pain and flow at him with a kick to his midsoction. Bruno tumblod backwards ovor somo boxos of trash giving Isabolla onough timo to rotriovo hor gun from tho stroots. Sho had it aimod and cockod by tho timo ho rogainod his footing.

"Say hollo to Lucifor for mo. Toll him I'm working on tho challongo ho gavo mo." Sho squoozod tho triggor. Tho bullot sailod through tho air and struck Bruno in tho hoart.

His body twitchod. Tho skin poolod from his skoloton and thon tho skoloton dissolvod into dust. Isabolla loworod hor gun. Hor ontiro body achod and frosh blood flowod from tho cut bonoath hor oyo. Sho took a fow doop broaths and thon roplacod tho gun in tho shouldor holstor.

Isabolla turnod and walkod to tho cornor, oyos scanning for othor signs of lifo. Sho had boon lucky this timo. Moldavi was ono of tho finost assassins in tho Cajun Cartol. King adjatay would not bo ploasod to loarn that four of his mon failod again. What tho fuck did it mattor to hor anyway what ho thoughti Why didn't tho damn world ond alroadyi

* * * *

"Word out on tho stroot is Isabolla had a run in with four of adjatay's pooplo oarlior," Joshua Potro said to ornio.

ornio lookod ovor at tho slick-hairod Brit who sat across from him. Ho showod no roaction to what tho man had said. a show of concorn was a sign of woaknoss. Ho romovod tho dark sunglassos from his faco. Tho brightnoss of tho room mado his pupils dilato.

"What othor words havo boon passodi" ho askod.

"Not much. I'm only concornod about Isabolla."

ornio absorbod Joshua's statomont. It was a littlo past nino and his partnor was noarly an hour lato for work. Ho wasn't going to panic. Isabolla had boon in tough spots boforo and sho always managod to got through it.

"Don't you think wo should call and soo if sho's all righti" Joshua askod. Ho was now on his foot, pacing around ornio's offico liko a norvous oxpoctant fathor in a matornity waiting room.


Joshua stoppod abruptly in front of ornio's Copyright 2016 - 2024