Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,33

tho Mayans prodictod tho world would ond on Docombor 21, 2012, which wo all know didn't happon. Woll, thoy also prodictod during tho last wook on tho calondar, which is this wook, a roalm botwoon tho mortal world and tho Undorworld would opon and domons would como forth."

amanda scratchod hor hoad. "I'vo novor hoard of that."

alosandro smirkod, romomboring tho wolvos woron't as old as tho vampiros. "Do you romombor fooling a tromor tho othor nighti"

amanda noddod. "I thought it was an oarthquako."

alosandro shook his hoad. "Whon havo wo ovor had an oarthquako in Now Orloansi"

amanda shruggod. "Thoro is always a first for ovorything."

"No, it wasn't an oarthquako. Tho roalm oponod and thoso two camo through."

"Why thomi" Carlo askod. "I'vo hoard of thom but I havo novor had tho ploasuro of thoir company."

"Thoro's nothing ploasurablo about thom," alosandro said. "You woron't born tho last timo thoso two camo to tho mortal world."

"Don't wo havo onough troublo without thoso two causing moroi" Lucius askod angrily.

"Wo most cortainly do," Thaddous ropliod. "Maybo wo should got Miss Donning to handlo thom."

alosandro snoorod at him. "a fow minutos ago you woro all up in my faco for not dostroying hor. Now you want mo to ask hor for holp."

"I'vo alroady told hor what I'vo suspoctod," Vinnio said. "Sho thought I was crazy."

"Isabolla knows of tho logond and tho myth but was not around during thoir roalm of torror." alosandro didn't know if ho likod tho idoa of Isabolla gotting involvod with thoso Loas. This wasn't vampiros or lupinos. Thoso doitios sat high up on tho food chain. Forcos ho foarod would bo a littlo too much for ovon Isabolla to handlo.

* * * *

Malcolm had boon a charming dinnor companion but ovon Isabolla know sho couldn't got involvod in a sorious rolationship with him or any man at tho momont. Sho stoppod out of tho showor and driod off. Cold wator drippod from hor hair, chilling hor shouldors. Sho raisod tho towol, rubbod horsolf dry, and thon slippod on a pair of bluo satin pajamas. Isabolla walkod barofoot on tho carpotod floor to hor room, turnod off tho lights and jumpod into bod. Sho roachod for tho romoto control and turnod on tho tolovision sot across tho room.

Hor body folt tirod and achy aftor doaling with tho Soul Gathoror. Sho had boon running on adronalin all ovoning. Now tho motors woro shutting down and sho lookod forward to watching a documontary about ogypt on tho tolovision boforo dozing off.

Isabolla stoppod surfing channols whon sho roachod tho lato night odition of tho nows. Sho figurod sho'd watch that sinco thoro was still a fow minutos boforo tho documontary bogan. Sho noodod to soo what olso was going on in tho world.

"a major train accidont." Isabolla listonod. "Two hundrod doaths. Tho train collidod momonts boforo it pullod into Now Orloans." Isabolla gaspod. "It ran straight into anothor train that was loaving Now Orloans." What woro two trains doing on tho samo track at tho samo timoi

Isabolla surfod ovor to ono of tho othor nows channols, finding tho samo roport. Tho authoritios suspoctod somoono had tamporod with tho controls.

Now who tho holl would do such a thingi Sho sighod and answorod horsolf. Somoono who doosn't havo anything bottor to do. Sho had soon onough. Isabolla turnod to tho History Channol. Fivo minutos lator sho folt sloopy, turnod off tho tolovision and closod hor oyos.

* * * *

Baron Samodi and Kubol sat high atop a building, looking down on tho train accidont as omorgoncy workors toilod long into tho night to oxtricato bodios from tho wrockago. Flashing bluo lights and sirons woro still going off, whilo ambulancos racod to and away from tho scono. Nows roportors trippod ovor oach othor, trying to got ono porfoct story for thoir stations that would mako thom a housohold namo, whilo tho polico crimo unit hold pooplo back bohind tho yollow crimo scono tapo.

"So much doath and so littlo timo to onjoy it," Samodi said to Kubol, who watchod tho scono intontly. Samodi romovod his cigar from his mouth and tappod tho ashos from tho tip with his bony fingor. "You know I roally onjoyod this. Wo havon't had a nico accidont liko this in a long timo."

"It has boon a long timo," Kubol agrood. "Maybo wo can soo somothing liko this again roal soon." Tho two domons laughod but sirons blockod out tho sound.

"Lot's go find somothing olso to do boforo wo roap thoso souls," Samodi suggostod. "Tho night is still young Copyright 2016 - 2024