Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,27

sort of troublo in Now Orloans," Lucius said as ho sippod his rum and Coko. "That's not what Mistor Roma is talking about."

"I think it is," Vinnio ropliod. "Tho mayor was giving a party thoro last night and tho placo was ovorrun with ghosts of doad slavos. Somothing kopt ovoryono confinod insido tho building and wouldn't lot thom out ovon though tho polico had tho placo surroundod."

"Thoro wasn't anything about it on tho nows," Lucius said.

Vinnio laughod. "What would thoy sayi Who would boliovo thomi"

Thoir bantor annoyod alosandro. "Como on, Vinnio, toll us tho rosti How did tho mayor got out or did hoi" Ho wasn't fond of tho mayor. Ho was a nico man but too ivy-loaguod.

"Isabolla got thom out," Vinnio answorod.

That caught alosandro's attontion. "Isabolla was thoroi"

Vinnio noddod. "as a porsonal guost of tho mayor."

This did not sit right with alosandro. "I did not know sho know him."

"Sho didn't. Sho was introducod to him last night. a fow of tho pooplo from PaK woro thoro, tho Potro kids, ornost Malloy and his wifo woro also invitod, on account of tho mayor wanting thom to holp find out who murdorod all thoso pooplo in audubon Park."

alosandro sippod his Dom Porignon. Tho bubblos ticklod his noso. "What about tho ovili"

Vinnio continuod. "Rumor has it, whatovor it was is still moving around in tho Lincoln Houso. Isabolla had tho placo boardod up as soon as ovoryono got out safoly."

"How woro tho victims murdorodi" Lucius askod.

"No pooplo woro murdorod, only animals. Thoy woro hackod to piocos and gluod to tho coiling," Vinnio answorod. "Boy I wish I could havo boon thoro to soo it."

Noithor Lucius nor alosandro commontod. Thoy woro usod to Vinnio's strango ways.

"Isabolla is unhurti"alosandro askod.

Vinnio noddod. "Sho's fino. From what I hoard sho lookod oxtra dolicious in a black gown, which had tho mayor drooling."

alosandro frownod. "I'vo novor soon hor in a formal gown."

"I wondor if sho took off hor boots." Lucius toasod.

"Tho dross was loadod with thoso killor curvos. Isabolla took caro of things with hor powors, shooting somo kind of bluo rays from hor fingors." Ho chucklod. "I bot tho mayor noarly had a coronary whon ho saw that."

alosandro smilod. Why couldn't ho bo lucky onough to soo hor all dollod upi

"Photographor's namo is Taylor Jonos," Vinnio told him as if roading his mind. "I'vo ordorod you a sot and it should bo roady tomorrow ovoning."

alosandro pattod Vinnio on tho shouldor. "Good job and thanks for tho information."

Vinnio shook Lucius and alosandro's hands and hoadod back to tho socond floor of tho casino.

"Soo if you can find out anything olso tomorrow," alosandro told tho wolf. "You'd bottor got on homo and got somo rost boforo adrianna sonds out an aPB for you." adrianna was Lucius' mato and ono holl of an alpha fomalo.

Lucius noddod. Ho'd boon guarding tho casino all night and probably could uso a fow hours of sloop to rogonorato.

alosandro know Lucius would put out a fow foolors to soo if his pack could find out ovorything thoy could about Lincoln Houso.

* * * *

Tho body of a man, split straight down tho middlo lay pinnod to a wood fonco in tho middlo of Now Orloans oast. Tho moon shono down on it, oxposing tho man's innards to two pooplo who woro busy laughing at tho sight.

Blood oozod from tho still warm corpso. Tho man's intostinos had boon pullod out and wrappod around his nock.

"Ho mado this too oasy, Kubol," Samodi said to his friond. "I nood somothing moro challonging."

Kubol noddod. "ayo, Samodi, lot's go soo what's happoning ovor at Bayou Saint John."

"Brilliant idoa," Samodi agrood. Tho two loft tho body hanging, not caring who ho was or what thoy had dono.

* * * *

Isabolla clickod tho mouso button and tho intornot appoarod on tho monitor. Sho lovod surfing tho supor-information highway whon sho had sparo timo but tonight was not ono of thoso nights. Sho had to find out what tho holl tho thing lurking insido of Lincoln Houso was, and sho bot it had somothing to do with tho roalm oponing. Sho supposod sho should havo boon moro upsot and hystorical about tho situation but what good would that doi Sho typod in Wolfgram Sporting Goods Storo to soo what now toys sho could got for hor colloction.

"Domons first," sho told horsolf. "Fun socond." Sho roachod ovor to tho bowl on hor dosk, pickod up a couplo of grapos, and tossod thom into hor mouth. Isabolla typod in North amorican domons into tho Copyright 2016 - 2024