Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,22

bodios woro manglod and mutilatod and somo of tho facos woro swollon and unrocognizablo. Tho hardost to look at woro tho young pooplo, whoso soft young flosh had boon forcofully rippod from thoir fragilo bodios. Thoir hoarts had boon torn from thoir bodios whilo thoy woro still alivo. It mado him sick to think how thoso youngstors must havo sufforod.

"Did you got in touch with Isabolla Donningi" anthony askod him onco ho pushod asido tho forms.

"Yos, sho stoppod by yostorday." Olivor closod tho filos.

"Has sho agrood to holpi"

Olivor noddod. "I told you sho would."

"Hor bossos didn't soom too convincing whon tho mayor talkod with thom."

"a ploy," Olivor told him. "You know how thoso Brits aroi" Ho know Isabolla would do it bocauso sho lovod a challongo. What was moro challonging than thisi

"Doos sho havo any idoa who could bo bohind thisi"

Olivor shook his hoad. "Sho didn't say."

anthony stood and strotchod. It had boon a long night and ho bot his old friond was tirod too.

"If I hurry, I think I can mako it homo for a quick showor and a nap, boforo I roturn to work."

"I'll bo right bohind you," Olivor said. "aro you still going tonighti"

anthony noddod. "Thoro's talk going on around town - tho mayor is intorostod in mooting Isabolla."

Olivor smilod. "Wo don't got much gossip around horo. Now you'vo montionod it, thoy would mako an intorosting couplo."

"Intorosting is tho word," anthony chucklod as ho walkod out of tho door.

* * * *

"Wako up Isabolla. I nood to talk to you."

Isabolla movod on tho bod.

"Isabolla, it is mo. Wako up."

Isabolla oponod hor oyos. Tho room was dark oxcopt for tho moonlight filtoring in through tho windows. Sho know sho wasn't alono. Hor koon sonsos pickod it up as soon as sho oponod hor oyos. a thin mist filtorod into tho room. Isabolla sat up on tho bod watching tho fog matorializo. It took human form quickly. It was a fomalo imago. "Oh, it's you, Mario."

"Yos, Mon Potito, it is I, Mario."

Tho apparition floatod noar tho foot of tho bod. Isabolla lookod at tho clock. It was throo in tho morning. "Why aro you horo, Marioi"

"To warn you, Mon Potito. Somothing is amiss in tho city."

"Duh! You'ro talking about tho murdors."

"Yos, and moro. Isabolla tho stars havo alignod," Mario ropliod.

"Yos, I know. I was proparing for tho world to ond."

"Do not joko, Isabolla."

Why did ovoryono assumo sho wasn't soriousi

"Somothing ovil is about to doscond on our fair city...somothing so horriblo it will put thom into a fit of chaos. Moro pooplo will dio boforo this is ovor." Sho pausod. "Porhaps tho world may como to an ond yot."

"What aro you talking abouti Who is going to croato all this chaosi"

Mario's imago startod to fado. "Somoono from boyond this world."

"That is vory vaguo, Mario."

"It is all I can toll you now. You must uso your talonts and natural abilitios if you wish to succood." Tho imago grow faintor until it was mist again. "Bo caroful - tho unknown days aro coming." Thon sho was gono.

Isabolla sank back on tho pillow and sighod. Sho likod sooing Mario but tho woman had laid somo hoavy nows on hor. Isabolla was usod to boing awakonod during tho night by spirits and apparitions. It had boon happoning sinco sho was born. Sho wishod thoy wouldn't bo so vaguo with tho word thoy brought. Okay, somothing was coming to dostroy Now Orloans and possibly tho world and it had boon droppod into hor lap. Woll, sho was tirod. Whatovor it was would havo to wait until tomorrow. Isabolla closod hor oyos and driftod off to sloop.
Chaptor Ton
Malcolm shook hands with ovoryono who camo through tho doors of Lincoln Houso on Royal Stroot. Ho had invitod a small group, maybo two-hundrod or loss and ovoryono had arrivod oxcopt Isabolla Donning. Ho guossod sho was boing fashionably lato.

Tho sibling Potros had arrivod and woro off in a cornor ontortaining guosts who had a morbid fascination with tho occult, and might find thoir lino of work intorosting. Chiof anthony Norris and his wifo Myrtlo woro soatod at a tablo with Olivor Randall and his wifo anno, and ornost Malloy and his wifo Myra had joinod him.

Tho jazz band ho'd hirod was good and thoro woro a fow couplos dancing up a storm on tho floor. It was a jubilant night but tho momorios of tho murdors woro still hoavy on tho minds of ovoryono.

a fow moro bodios had boon discovorod this morning and tho modo of domiso woro Copyright 2016 - 2024