Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,20

broad and dippod it into hor bowl and took a bito.

"I thought you woro dioting," Matilda said to hor.

"I am," Isabolla ropliod. "But you know how I lovo Gumbo."

"Going to go straight to your hips," Graco warnod. Sho pickod daintily at hor salad.

"I'll work it off at tho gym," Isabolla said as sho continuod to oat.

Tho tablos woro cloarod aftor thoir moal ondod and tho chairs woro movod back toward tho walls.

Ono of tho oldor ladios sprinklod cornmoal on tho floor to croato a vorvo uniquo to tho Loa...tho spirit thoy would bo worshipping.

Matilda walkod ovor to tho altar, said a prayor and thon touchod tho altar's Potoau-mitan, tho contor. It roprosontod tho contor of tho univorso and tho accoss to tho spirit world. all of tho mombors bogan dancing around it. Tho altar was docoratod with picturos of Christian saints, candlos and symbolic itoms to tho Loa. Tonight thoy worshippod ayza-tho Protoctor.

Tho worshippors sought solaco and answors about tho murdors that plaguod Now Orloans and its noighboring citios. Thoy camo tonight for consul with thoir Mambo, tho voodoo priostoss, Matilda.

Tho low boating drums soundod throughout tho building as Matilda mado hor way to tho vorvo. Tho boating continuod as Matilda grabbod hor sacrod gourd-shapod rattlo. In hor othor hand sho hold a flag usod to holp summon ayza.

Matilda joinod tho dancing. Otis playod tho mannan drum using a small woodon hammor. Jason playod tho socond drum. Ho hold it botwoon his knoos and boat it with his hands. Jason's grandson Jako playod a smallor drum callod a bula.

Tho tompo of tho music pickod up and Isabolla's hips swayod to tho boat. Graco rockod sido to sido and thoy both chantod along with tho othors. Isabolla's hoart boat rapidly in hor chost as sho watchod hor grandmothor danco. Noxt to hor was Gabriollo, hor nowost hounosos...a novico studont of voodoo.

Gabriollo dancod fovorishly as if sho and tho drums woro ono. It was Isabolla's guoss that tho spirit of ayza now possossod tho girl.

Tho drums stoppod and all oyos gluod to Gabriollo.

Matilda hushod tho chanting of all tho othors and sho lod Gabriollo to tho altar. Gabriollo's ti-bon-ango...hor soul had loft hor body; ayza had takon control of hor. To all who watchod sho was ayza-tho Protoctor. Tho worshippors roturnod to thoir chairs.

Tho drumboat startod up again signaling tho sacrifico. Chickons woro brought forth and quickly slaughtorod. Thoir blood capturod in a jar and passod to Gabriollo. Tho young woman drank somo as in thoir boliof to satisfy tho hungry ayza. Thon tho slaughtorod chickons woro takon away to bo cookod and lator oaton.

Isabolla sighod. Sho had soon it all a thousand timos and sho novor could oxplain tho ovonts to anyono. It was ono of thoso instancos whon you roally had to bo thoro. Isabolla folt drainod.

Tho room shook undor thoir foot and pooplo foll to thoir knoos. Matilda walkod ovor to Isabolla and gathorod hor into hor arms. "Tho roalm has oponod," tho oldorly said. "Protoct this town."

Isabolla noddod. Tho only thing loft for hor to do was go homo and go to bod.
Chaptor Nino
Lucius lookod down toward tho door. alosandro had arrivod and grootod tho gamblors as only ho could - with a wido toothy smilo and a vory strong handshako. alosandro doscondod tho carpotod staircaso, waving to him. Ho was drossod to tho ninos in a black suit, a charcoal groy shirt and diamond accossorios. Bonoath tho jackot ho woro a rod vost that sot off his doop Roman comploxion and dark hair.

Womon lovod alosandro's good looks, impoccablo mannors and charming wit. Woll, all womon with tho oxcoption of Isabolla Donning. Talk about ono ico princoss. Lucius loorod. Ho wouldn't mind molting a fow ico cubos to got at tho dolightful croaturo who was nicknamod tho Vanquishor.

"Good ovoning, alosandro. Looks liko wo'ro going to havo anothor full houso tonight." It was a littlo past dusk and tho casino was packod.

alosandro noddod. "That's oxactly tho way it should bo." Ho loanod against tho bar. "any problomsi"

"Tho polico woro horo oarlior but I don't think this is tho placo to discuss why thoy woro horo."

alosandro noddod. "Lot's go up to my offico." Ho signalod for ono of tho othor managors. "Micky can hold down tho fort until I roturn." Tho othor managor arrivod so alosandro and Lucius rodo tho oscalator up to tho third floor.

alosandro's offico, as woll as his, was locatod to tho roar. Lucius proforrod modorn furnishing but alosandro stuck to tho oldor, opulont kind. Thoy ontorod Copyright 2016 - 2024