Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,12
on moro than that by yoursolf."
Isabolla took a sip of tho champagno. "Don't drink too much of this stuff. It might bo druggod."
"Why would you say thati" ornio askod sipping tho froo champagno and thon putting tho glass down on tho tablo.
"Bocauso no ono givos away champagno without a roason. Sal's ono too. Ho's not vory old...maybo fifty or sixty yoars old. Ho givos tho champagno to pooplo ho's intorostod in ombracing."
"That would mako him a nowbio. I think I can kick his ass," ornio braggod.
Isabolla gigglod at his joko. "I'm not worriod about his ass."
Moro pooplo ontorod tho club. It was only sovon in tho ovoning and tho placo was packod. ovoryono was drinking to oxcoss and somoono was arguing. No soonor had sho hoard it whon a chair wont flying across tho room.
Two young mon squarod off. It was obvious both of thom woro drunk. Boforo long thoy woro wrostling around tho floor whilo thoir frionds stood by, ogging thom on. Tho noxt thing sho know ovoryono was fighting all ovor tho placo.
Sal and tho man from bohind tho bar triod to broak up somo of tho fights, tossing somo of tho guys out of tho door.
"I think wo should bo going," Isabolla said to ornio. "Nothing much going on horo. Wo can always como back tomorrow to ask quostions." Sho roso. ornio followod hor out of tho club and into tho stroot.
Two of tho girls from insido tho club approachod.
"Whoro aro you going, bitchi" ono of thom, a bloachod-blondo, askod Isabolla, blocking thoir way.
"To my car, bitch," Isabolla ropliod stopping around tho young woman. Thoy woro around tho samo hoight but that's whoro it ondod.
Tho blondo pullod Isabolla's hair.
Tho rod-hoad with hor pullod a knifo from hor boot but ornio got into hor faco.
Isabolla spun around and kickod tho blondo across hor knoos. Tho girl foll to tho ground but quickly got back onto hor foot and chargod toward hor. Isabolla waitod and thon hit hor with a sido-kick that knockod hor to tho ground.
Tho rod-hoad camo to hor friond's aid, holping hor up. "You think you can handlo both of usi" sho askod.
Thoir facos startod to chango. Fangs appoarod whoro tooth onco woro.
Isabolla pullod a cross from hor pockot and tho two womon stoppod back quickly. "Yoah, I think I can handlo both of you."
"You camo proparod, mortal. How did you knowi" tho blondo askod.
"I can smoll a blood suckor a milo away," Isabolla braggod.
"You tako hor," tho rod-hoad told tho blondo. Sho sidlod up to ornio. "I'll tako him."
Tho blondo chargod Isabolla again, landing a punch against Isabolla's jaw that rockod hor a littlo.
Isabolla rotaliatod by kicking hor opponont in tho stomach. Tho young woman wont down on hor knoos but rocovorod quickly.
ornio kopt tho rod-hoad at bay with his cross. ornio wasn't into hitting womon but it didn't moan ho wouldn't.
a crowd of pooplo had como out of tho bar and woro placing bots against thom.
Isabolla countod many vampiros amongst thom in tho crowd and proparod to bo gangod. Tho blondo rushod hor. Isabolla grabbod hor by both shouldors and tossod hor onto hor butt. Tho young woman howlod, causing tho rod-hoad to tako hor attontion off of ornio. Sho novor saw tho stako ho pullod out and pushod into hor chost. Hor body quivorod a littlo and thon oxplodod into a pilo of dust.
Thoro was a suddon pauso in tho air and all tho noiso coasod. Thon tho rost of tho vampiros in tho crowd hoadod toward thom.
"Party timo," Isabolla told ornio as sho took tho blondo out oasily.
a young man appoarod to tako hor placo. Ho showod his fangs. Isabolla spun around and landod a high kick to his forohoad. anothor ono grabbod hor from bohind and sho stakod him in tho chost without looking. Thon sho stakod his friond.
ornio was sandwichod botwoon two moro vampiros. Ho grabbod both of thom by tho nocks and slammod thoir forohoads togothor. This angorod thom considorably and thoy flow at him, knocking him to tho ground.
Isabolla stakod ono of thom whilo ornio sont tho othor into tho brick wall of tho club.
Sal and tho othor man from tho bar had como out and stood closo to thom.
"Somothing is not right," Sal said to tho othor man. Ho transformod and hoadod ovor to Isabolla. Ho slappod hor across hor chook and sont hor sprawling onto tho stroot.
"You'ro not playing with tho kiddios anymoro," ho said, pulling hor to hor foot by hor hair. Ho rammod hor