Kiss Me, Curse Me - By Kate Shay Page 0,20

it quick.”

Ed stood up from the bar stool, hollered “Woo,” and raised his glass in the air.

The two became silent, as did all the men. The lights came on, the piano music began, and the dancers flooded the stage in a variety of provocative, scant costumes. It was amazing what the shake of a tassel could rouse.

Ed led Betty back up the stairs.


Patty couldn’t take much more of it. With flask in hand, he rambled along D Street. He knew what was there. He knew what he wanted. He was drunk beyond all measures. Last time he did so was many years ago after the birth of Coreen when her mother died. She’d bled inordinately from the complications of childbirth. He never really got an explanation for the cause. Days before, her legs had become quite swollen to the point where she couldn’t walk well. She was happy in her discomfort, even smiled right before she passed, with the baby in her arms.

After the tragic moment, after her arms went limp, Patty took the baby, handed his new daughter over to his grandmother and walked straight out of the room. He came back two days later to a storm of attack. He didn’t care. He’d needed to escape, just as he needed to now.

Grimacing away the memory and washing it down with another swig, he slithered. The streets were packed. He bumped into the odd person received a scolding, and continued on to a place he knew he shouldn’t go. He just wanted to feel something, anything besides grief.

The building was not marked. Some called it “the Shack,” others called it “the Honey Hive.” Regardless of the ridiculous names, the place had just one purpose. He pushed on the heavy wooden door. You’d think it would be easier to open with all the routine traffic it gets. His head dropped as the door gave way. There was barely room to move in the place. He squished his way over to the bar, no stools available, so he inched away into the back and leaned against the very last corner of the bar counter.

The music was surprisingly lighthearted, with a slight tease. The girl on stage was pale, ethereal almost, decked in ivory beads. He watched her move in his daze, felt the rhythm of her hips, saw the gleam in her eye. She was young, that he knew. He pushed the thought away and enjoyed the feel of the place. The atmosphere was revitalizing yet seductive and calming. It was a place to be forgotten, maybe even reborn.

“May I get you something?” a sweet voice said. It was familiar to him, though he didn’t know why.

“Whatever,” he said. “I don’t care as long as it’s strong.” He took a swig from his flask.

“I’m afraid we don’t allow flasks, Mister.”

“Fine,” he said handing it over. “Take it.” He looked at her as her slapped the sliver heirloom down on the counter, the clear contents spilling forth. Her eyes were dark, her smile pure. He liked her. He’d seen her before. “I know you.”

“No. I don’t think so, Mister.”

“What is your name?”

“I am Betty.”

“This is your place?”

“Yes,” she said lightly.

He couldn’t hear well from the noise, but recognized the agreement. He downed the drink she passed to him. “Another.” She did as he asked, and he slapped the bills down. “I need something more tonight.”

Betty admired the large amount of tender and motioned for him to follow.

He tried his best to make it through the multitude. A few shoves later, he was in a dark hall.

“What would you like?” she asked.


“As you wish.”

Betty led him upstairs, to the left around the banister, to the room next to where Ahanu slept. It was small, decked in shades of emerald green with nothing more than a lamp, a bed, and a window. She opened it up wide to let in the warm night air, and Patty took a seat on the large bed.

“I’ve never done this before,” he said guiltily, knowing all well that he had.

“Shhh,” she said as she undid the delicate satin buttons on the front of her corset. She dropped her garbs revealing something tight, black and see-through, approached him front on pushing him back onto the bed.

“You’ve got me the whole night with that wad,” she said.

“Fair enough.” He smiled.


He woke to the harsh sunlight. Squinting an eye open, Patty rolled over, barely able. It was like he was stuck at the bottom of the ocean with the weight of Copyright 2016 - 2024