Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,88

on our parents’ property that we don’t spend the Fourth of July on the water. That was the plan until Aurora broke the news that she and Aspen were meeting her parents in Gatlinburg for a weekend getaway. Her parents went to North Carolina to the beach for the week and are driving home. They want to see their daughters, and I can’t spend that much time away from her. So I rallied the troops. My parents own a cabin in the Smokey Mountains. It’s huge, with ten bedrooms and twelve bathrooms. I invited her parents to stay with us: us meaning me, my four brothers, my sisters-in-law, my nephew, and Mom and Dad. We take six rooms, Aspen takes another, her parents take another, and I still don’t know if Aurora will be lying next to me each night. I’ll respect her wishes about whatever she decides to do, but I want her with me. Always.

“You ready for this?” Dad asks, helping me unload the back of my SUV.


“Confident as always.” He laughs.

“I love her.”

“I know you do.”

“It’s time.” I don’t have to elaborate for him to know what I’m talking about.

A slow smile crosses his face. “You finally ready to admit the love of a good woman is magic?”


He clamps a hand on my shoulder. “Never forget it. Treat her and your love like the special gift that it is.”

“What’s going on over here? Is this some kind of meeting of the minds?” Conrad asks.

“Nah, Dad and I were just talking about magic.”

“Ugh,” Conrad sighs dramatically. “He got to you too. Dad, you’re turning my brothers into love-sick fools.” He points at our father. “You keep yourself and that voodoo love stuff away from Marsh and me. We’re sowing our wild oats.”

“The magic finds you, son. It’s not something I can curse you with. Besides, it’s not a curse.” He glances over at my mom. “It’s a blessing.”

Owen and Layla pull up in their loaded-down SUV. I make a beeline for the back door and lift Carter and his baby seat out. “Hey, buddy,” I say to my smiling nephew.

“Hand him over,” Conrad says, trying to reach for the baby seat.

“Nope. Get your own.”

“Not when I have this little man to spoil.”

A car coming up the driveway catches my attention. My entire family is already here, including Aurora and Aspen. With Owen and Layla the last to arrive, I know this is her parents. I pull my phone out of my pocket to call Aurora and let her know they’re here, but the slamming of the screen door and the pounding of feet across the deck and down the steps tells me that she already knows. I watch with a smile as the sisters greet their parents. It’s been way too long since they’ve seen them. I wonder what it would take to get them to move to Nashville. Carter coos as Conrad steals him away from me.


That’s what it will take. We’ll be there soon enough. If this weekend goes like I’m hoping it will, we’re definitely going to be on the right track. I take my time walking over to where the four of them are standing in the driveway. Aurora grins and loops her arm through mine. “Mom, Dad, this is Grant. Grant, this is our mom, Sheila, and our dad, Hank.”

I offer her mom my hand first. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for letting us crash your trip.”

“Come here.” Sheila bypasses my offered hand and pulls me into a hug. “It’s so nice to finally meet you in person.”

When she finally releases me, I offer Hank my hand. “Sir.”

“Nice to meet you,” he says, taking my hand.

“This place is beautiful,” Sheila comments.

“Oh, Mom, you have no idea,” Aspen tells her.

“Each bedroom has a bathroom, and you all can pick from any that are not already claimed,” Aurora tells them. “Aspen, Grant, and I chose the third floor, Conrad too, I think.”

“Any room will be fine. We’re just glad to see our daughters in the flesh,” Hank says, pulling both girls back into his arms for a hug.

“Need help with bags?” Marshall asks, joining us.

“Marshall, these are our parents, Hank and Sheila,” Aspen introduces them. “Mom, Dad, this is Grant’s youngest brother, Marshall.” The three of them exchange handshakes. “I put your bags in your room,” he tells Aspen.

“Thank you.” She smiles up at him, and I make a mental note to ask Aurora or even Marsh himself if there is something going Copyright 2016 - 2024