Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,84

rings. “I need to take this,” I say, glancing at the screen.

“We’ve got plenty of time.”

“This is Grant.”

“Grant, hi, this is Kiersten from Markle and Associates Realty. The seller has accepted your offer. Can you stop by our office to sign the contract? All we need is a title search and appraisal, and an inspection if you choose to do so.”

“I don’t need an appraisal or inspection. The title search, yes. How fast can we make this happen?”

“I’ll have it in a few days.”

“When can we close?”

“With a cash offer, I can get someone on this and a week or two.”

“Kiersten. This is a gift for my girlfriend. Can we do it any sooner?”

“I can put a rush on it, but it’s another—” I stop her there.

“I don’t care what it costs. Make it happen.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll see you in an hour or so.”

“Yeah, make it two just in case.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Riggins.”

Ending the call, I take off my shirt and climb up on the chair, letting Tommy do his thing. In a matter of a few hours, I’ve managed to find a solution to a short-term problem and give my girl a gift I hope she understands. I’m not going anywhere. I want her now and always.

“You fall asleep on me?” Tommy asks.

I open my eyes. “No.”

“You’re all set. Wanna see?” He hands me a mirror, knowing damn well I’m going to say yes.

I take in the swirls of ink, in the intricate design of the wings, and right there down the center is her name—inked over my heart. I always said I’d never do this. I’d never ink a woman’s name on my body. But that’s the me before her. Now I know what it’s like to have her love, to have her in my arms, in my bed, and in my life. This was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever made.

Chapter 30


“This has been the longest week in history,” I tell my sister as she goes to lock the front door.

“I think you said that last week too.” She laughs.

“I’ve barely seen Grant this week.”

“He and his brothers run an empire. You know how much work it takes just for this place. I can’t imagine the weight on their shoulders.”

“Yeah, I just… feel off when I don’t get to see him.”

“Aw, young love,” she teases.

“He calms me. Our connection is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. I can’t explain it, but when he’s close, when I’m with him, I know everything is going to be okay. With all of this mess, the money missing, and now the building being sold, my stress level is through the roof. He makes that better.”

“I’m happy for you. Even through this shitstorm, you’re holding strong, and that man loves you. You know that, right?”

“Yeah.” I smile. “I love him too,” I say, just as his face appears outside the bakery front door. He peers and waves.

“I’ll get it,” she says, walking to unlock the door and let him in. “You’re just in time. We just closed up.”

“Good day?” he asks.

“Busy as always.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“Yeah, if we could hire help,” I add. Every interview we’ve had have been duds. They either don’t show, or show up smelling like cigarette smoke and alcohol. I placed adds online and am hoping to set up more interviews. I can only hope that we find someone soon.

“Hey, baby.” He leans down and kisses me. “This is all going to be over soon, and you can hire help, and then I get more of you.” He turns to Aspen. “And you can get out more.”

She gasps, placing her hand over her heart. “Are you insinuating that I have no life?” She laughs.

“No. But you gotta admit you spend a lot of time just hanging out.”

“I went shopping with Sam and Aria this week.”

He nods. “Good. I’m glad you’re getting out.”

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” he asks me.

“Nothing much. We were able to get Monday’s prep done, and we’re all cleaned up.”

“Good. I was hoping to talk to both of you.” He holds out his hand and guides me to a table, Aspen following along behind us.

“You’re kind of freaking me out right now,” I admit. I glance at my sister, who is also wearing a worried expression.

“It’s not bad, but I’m not sure you’ll see it that way at first. That’s why she’s here.” He points at Aspen. “I might need backup, and she can keep you from attacking me.” He Copyright 2016 - 2024