Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,82

that?” he asks, concerned.

“You.” His eyes soften. “Emotionally and physically,” I add. I can see when he picks up on what exactly it is that I need. Never again will I fear or shy away from asking for what I want or need. Not with this man, holding my hand as if it’s his lifeline.

Chapter 29


It’s been two weeks since Owen, Aurora, and I confronted Martin Hamilton. Two weeks since my girl has been stressed beyond measure, and two weeks of me offering to help her and her refusing. She’s adamant that this is her mess, and she’s not pulling me into it any further. I love her newfound confidence. I love that she tells me what she wants, but with this, not so much. I love her. It’s a love so deep I know we’re the real deal. It’s going to be the two of us until the end. Until I take my last breath. I can afford to help her, yet she continues to refuse.

Tossing the pen I’m using across the room, I rub my hands over my face. “Fuck,” I mutter.

“What did that pen do to you?” Royce asks, entering my office.

“Casualty of being near,” I tell him, leaning back in my chair. “What’s up?”

“Just wanted to check-in. You’ve been quiet these past few weeks.”

“How do you help someone who refuses help?” I ask him.


“Yeah. She’s struggling financially until this fucking shitshow is taken care of, and I hate it. Aspen and her parents are helping, but damnit, I can help her.”

He nods. “Have you taken the time to look at this from her point of view?”

“The stubborn one?” I fire back.

He chuckles. “You’ve told her, I’m sure, that women have gone after us for years for our money. I’m sure she knows my story, my first wife. My guess is she’s trying not to be one of them. Someone who uses you or our family for money.”

“It’s fucking different. I love her.”

“I know you do, but she’s still fragile. She’s come a long way, but I’m sure in the back of her mind, there is still this lingering worry from what he put her through.”

“What do I do? Her landlord sent her a letter letting her know he’s selling the building. She can’t purchase it because her down payment and assets are fucking locked because of that douche and his piece of ass, and now Aurora is paying for it. I know she’s worried about losing the bakery. The location. If the building sells and they kick her out, she’s fucked. She won’t let me help. I’ve tried to convince her. I’ve tried to have Aspen talk to her. Hell, I even sent Mom into the trenches to talk to her. Nothing.” I run my fingers through my hair.

Royce shrugs. “You’re too close to this. You’re not thinking objectively. You’re feeding off your emotions and hers. Think about this from a business standpoint. How would you handle it then?”

“I’d fucking buy the building!” I blurt.

A slow grin tilts his lips. “So buy it.”

“She won’t let me.”

“Do you really need her permission? The building is going to sell. That’s a prime area in the heart of downtown. It might as well be you.”

“Fuck me! Where were you two weeks ago?”

He laughs. “That’s why I’m here for you. You need me on this, or any of us for that matter, let me know.”

“She’s going to be pissed,” I tell him.

“Maybe. She’s also going to be relieved. She’s going to insist on paying you, and blah, blah, blah, but that’s minor details you two can fight or fuck about later.” He smirks. “But at least you know she has her home and her livelihood. Put you both out of your misery and just buy the fucking building.”

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why he’s the CEO,” I say in a fake as hell announcer voice.

“Nah, just the oldest. Like I said. You’re too close to this. You’re thinking with your heart and not your head. Not that I can blame you. I’d be the same way if it were Sawyer.”

“Thanks, brother.” I stand, walking around my desk to hug him.

“Who died?” Marshall asks, snacking on a bag of pretzels that look as if they came from the vending machine in our breakroom.

“No one died. Royce just talked me off the ledge.”

Marshall nods. “You good? Need anything?”

“Nah, I’m all good for now. I’ve got some calls to make.”

“You know where to find us if you need us.” Royce pats me Copyright 2016 - 2024