Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,56

never had this kind of life growing up. I never got to experience holidays together or Sunday dinners. I remember thinking about how much I was going to miss it when Owen decided I wasn’t the one for him.”

“No.” I shake my head vigorously.

“That was before I finally got it through my thick skull that he loves me. I had low self-esteem, and to be honest, it was too good to be true. From poverty to this.” She waves her hand around the house. “I can still remember the first time I stepped foot in this house. I saw a life with Owen, our kids”—she rubs her belly—“running up and down the halls. I refused to let that vile woman who gave birth to me take that dream from me. She’d already stolen so much. Owen insisted we remodel to make it look different, and I agreed. He needed it more than I did. When you grow up the way I did, it’s not the place but the people. And I love this house. Even with the renovations.” She smiles.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you. In a few weeks, this little guy, he’s going to complete that dream.”

I nod. She’s been through so much, but here she is standing tall, grabbing onto the life she’s always dreamed of, not letting her fear hold her back. “My life was good. My parents loved us, and we never wanted for anything. I was always shy, and Aspen, well, she was always the outgoing one.” I pause, collecting my thoughts. “I was always the chubby one, my mom and grandma both loved to bake, and I spent more time with them than I did dating. I loved it, still do.”

“Okay, let me stop you there. Please tell me you don’t think you’re chubby?”

I shrug. “I’m never going to be model thin.”

“Aurora, you’re fucking gorgeous. You have curves. Me, I’m this stick. I’d kill for your curves. Get that shit out of your head right now. Hell, I’m hoping after little man here is born, I’ll get to keep some of the pregnancy curves.” She chuckles.

I hear her words, and it’s nothing that my family and Grant haven’t told me. I’m tired of letting the scars from my past control my future. I need to figure out a way to be secure in my own skin. I think back to when Grant and I first met, and I realize I’ve come a long way. I still have work to do, but I’m getting there. “Thank you for saying that,” I finally reply as there’s a knock at the door.

“Come in!” Layla calls out.

“Hey, hey,” Sawyer says, walking into the room.

“Royce said there was cake tasting, and it involved Aurora and her mad skills, so here I am. What can I do?” she asks, taking a seat on the loveseat.

“I can’t decide, but—” Layla glances at me, and I nod. “I was just telling Aurora about my past, and she was getting ready to tell me hers.”

“I can go,” Sawyer offers, but I can tell she doesn’t want to.

“No. It’s fine. You can stay.” I catch her up to my story that’s just starting.

“I can’t imagine Grant is on board with you feeling this way,” Sawyer comments.

“No.” I shake my head. “Not even a little bit. That’s what’s so hard about it. My ex, he was my first, and initially I thought he loved me.” I go on to tell her about my relationship with Elijah and the way he would tear me down, only to make me feel as though he was doing it for me, that he loved me, and was just looking out for me. I believed it all. Every sordid word, I let it settle into my soul.

“You’re beautiful,” Sawyer says, wiping at a tear.

Layla nods, pulling out a few tissues and tossing the box to her.

I ignore her and keep going. “Grant, he’s every woman’s dream, and he wants me. After believing you're less than for so long, it’s hard to flip that switch and believe that a man like him, successful, smart, funny, sexy”—my face flames—“would want me.”

“He loves you. We all see it,” Layla chimes in. “That’s something you’ll learn about the Riggins brothers. When they love, it’s with their whole hearts. Grant’s not playing games with you, Aurora. He’s not built that way.”

“Exactly. Lena and Stanley have been married for years, and the boys all want that. They grew up watching their dad cherish their mother. He taught them how Copyright 2016 - 2024