Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,38

time to go to the store and come back and nap before I have to get ready.”

“Well, I’ll toss your clothes in with mine.”

“Teamwork.” She high-fives me. “The list still on the fridge?”


“Text me if you think of anything else,” she says, sliding into her coat.

“Thank you, Aspen.”

“What are sisters for. It’s not like I’m not eating the food too.” She waves and walks out the door.

Needing to get my tired ass in gear, I make my way to her bedroom and do a load of her clothes first before lying down in bed. All I can think about is Grant and how excited I am to see him. I saw him last night for dinner. He’s like my drug, and I can’t seem to get enough. After staring at the ceiling for thirty minutes, I realize sleep isn’t going to happen. Instead, I pull myself out of bed and begin to clean the apartment. Might as well make myself useful.

“I’m so glad you came,” Layla says, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

“Thank you for having us. Your home is beautiful.”

“Thank you. We just finished a few renovations.” Something passes in her eyes, but it passes before I can decipher it.

“Can I help with anything?”

“Nope. We ordered pizza. You want something to drink?” she asks, moving into the living room.

“No, thank you.” I follow her and take a seat when she points to the couch. “How are you feeling?”

“Great.” Her smile is wide and genuine. “This little guy is active, keeping me up at night, but I wouldn’t trade a minute of it.”

“See, babe.” I hear from behind me. I turn to see Royce and Sawyer enter the room. “It’s fun.” He points to Layla and her swollen belly.

“Go to your brothers.” She laughs, pushing him away.

My eyes immediately go to Owen and Grant, who are chatting in the kitchen. Grant catches me looking and winks.

“Give us all the dirt,” Sawyer says, sitting next to me.

“The dirt?”

“Yeah, how are things with you and Grant?”

“Good.” I nod. I don’t know them well, but from what I do know, they are genuine, and I feel comfortable with them.

“Speaking of dirt,” Layla speaks up. “What about you? How’s the baby-making?” She wags her eyebrows.

“Practice makes perfect.” Sawyer smirks.

“Practice makes babies,” Layla counters. “You know that’s how this little man got here.”

Sawyer nods. “I stopped taking the pill. Royce is determined for it to happen like yesterday.” She laughs.

“I’ve heard it happens when you stop trying.”

“Tell that to my husband,” she replies. “We just officially started trying a couple of weeks ago. It’s still early.”

“It only takes once,” Layla says.

“What only takes once?” Owen asks, sitting next to Layla on the loveseat.

“Making a baby.”

He nods. “You jokers need some pointers?” he asks his brothers.

“I’ve got it handled, right, babe?” Royce asks Sawyer. He offers her his hand, hauling her from the couch, taking her seat, and pulling her back into his lap.

“What about you?” Owen smirks, directing his question to Grant as he takes the open seat next to me.

“We’re not there yet, but when we are, I’m certain I can handle it all on my own.” He smiles at me, and my heart melts. Straight up melts in my chest. He’s talking about the future like he often does, but this… kids? With me?

“So, what’s the occasion?” Royce asks.

“Figures, they started the party without us,” Conrad says, entering the room, Marshall right behind him.

“Oh, Aurora. Did you bring me anything?” Marshall asks, batting his eyelashes at me.

“I did. They’re on the kitchen counter.” When I couldn’t sleep, I cleaned and had the laundry caught up, so I made some fudge brownies to bring tonight.

“You ever get tired of this one. You know where to find me.” He winks.

“Back off, little brother,” Grant warns.

“I think you can take him,” Conrad tells Marshall. “I mean, this is your stomach we’re talking about. No mercy,” he says, and we all laugh. Conrad sits in one of the two remaining chairs. Marshall takes the other, shoving a brownie into his mouth.

“Well, we’ve been talking about the wedding. Owen doesn’t really want to travel with me being pregnant.”

“You know it’s safe, right?” Sawyer asks him.

“Yeah, sis, I do, but I’d rather not if we don’t have to,” Owen replies.

“So we were thinking of doing it here.” Layla looks over at Owen. “This is our home, and new memories are what we need.” The way she says it makes me think that something happened. Copyright 2016 - 2024