Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,36

got jokes.” I know I’m smiling like a fool, but I couldn’t care less. This woman sitting across from me makes me happy. I can’t not smile knowing she’s mine.

“There they go again.” She places her hand on her belly. She must see my confusion. “The butterflies,” she adds.

“I gotta admit. I like that I have an effect on you.”

“I don’t understand why some woman hasn’t snatched you up yet.”

“She did.” I point to her.

She rolls her hazel eyes. “I mean before me.”

“It’s simple,” I reply with a shrug.

“Care to enlighten me, old wise one?”

“I was waiting for you.” Her eyes widen, and she squirms in her seat. “Now, eat up. We still have dessert, and if you want to go back out on the ice, we can do that. I also need some Rory time, so we need to pencil that in before I take you home as well.”

Her laughter is the sweetest sound. “What’s Rory time?” she asks, taking a bite out of her roll.

“Rory time is you in my arms. It’s me kissing you, and if I’m lucky, holding you too.”

“It’s getting late, and I have to be up early. Rory time might be cut short.”

“I’ll take whatever time you’ll give me.”

“I’m your girlfriend now, so my time is all yours.”

“Music to my ears, baby. Now eat up.” I shove the rest of my roll in my mouth, making her giggle. Conversation lulls as we finish eating.

“Where do we start?” she asks once she has her skates off and her boots back on.

“I’m just going to pack up the generator I used for the lights and load up the food and the heater. I’ll come by tomorrow after work and take down the tent.”

“Can we do it now? That way, you don’t have to do it tomorrow?”

“You’re cutting into my Rory time.” I give her a heated look. “It will be easier to take down in the daylight anyway. I’ll have one of my brothers come and help me. It won’t take us any time at all.”

“Are you sure?” She looks around. I can see that leaving all of this out here bothers her.

“Hey.” I offer her my hand, and she takes it, letting me pull her into my chest. “Am I sure that I want more Rory time? Hell yes. Am I sure that leaving this out here tonight is okay? Yes, again. Nothing will happen to it. We’re taking the generator, the heater, and the food. Everything else is minor.”

“Okay.” She peers up at me. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m more than sure. Now, I’m going to go start the Ranger and get the heat going before you get in.”

“I’m not fragile, Grant.”

“No. You’re not, but you are precious cargo, and I take that shit seriously.” I kiss her quickly before ducking out of the tent to start the Ranger.

Chapter 14


“Where is lover boy taking you tonight?” Aspen asks from her spot on the couch. We’re both lounging after an early day at the bakery.

“We’re having dinner at his place.”

“Oh.” She sits up a little straighter. “Alone time.” She nods as if she’s approving our plans.

“I’m exhausted, and we still have to go grocery shopping, and I have laundry to do. I don’t feel like going out.” It’s the truth. I got up at three to start today’s special lemon bars. We sold out by 9:00 a.m. I made another triple batch, and we sold out of them as well. I’m thrilled that Warm Delights is doing so well, but it’s exhausting. I have zero energy for anything else in life—even dating.

“I can do the grocery shopping. You stay here and do your laundry and take a cat nap for your date.” She stands from the couch and stretches.

“It’s my turn,” I remind her.

“And I said I would do it. Besides, I don’t have anything better to do.”

“You should go out tonight. You can come with me,” I offer.

“Nope. Not going to be the third wheel.”

“I can’t believe that I have a social life, and you don’t.” I grin.

“You deserve it, Rory.” Her eyes soften. “For years you let him belittle and control you. You weren’t living. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you smiling and not letting your anxiety control you.”

“Oh, it’s there,” I tell her. “Trust me. It's just Grant can tell when I’m freaking out or getting ready to, and he talks me out of it. I don’t know how he knows or how he manages to calm me, but Copyright 2016 - 2024