Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,11

he throws his head back and laughs.

“I’ll see you Sunday, beautiful.” He leans in and places a kiss on my cheek.

I stand frozen with my hand on my cheek as he walks away. “Bye, Aspen!” he yells over his shoulder before striding out the door.

“Holy shit, that man is hot, and he wants you.”

“I—” I start to reply, but I’ve got nothing. Aspen’s arms wrap around me, and I’m grateful to be able to lean on her. My knees are weak.

Grant Riggins is dangerous for my heart.

Chapter 5


I’ve spent the last few days obsessing over my date with Aurora. That’s not me. That’s not who I am. I don’t stress over dates. Hell, I rarely go on dates. It’s been… longer than I can remember. It’s Saturday night, and instead of taking Conrad and Marshall up on their offer to hit the club, I’m sitting at home, watching mindless television. I’m not satisfied with the date I planned for tomorrow, and that’s wigging me out a little. I want her to come to Sunday dinner with my family. I’ve never brought someone, and I know what it means if I do, what my brothers and my parents will think. I know what their assumptions about what she means to me will be. I can’t seem to find it in me to care. I don’t know what it is about her, but I can’t seem to get Aurora out of my head.

I stopped by Warm Delights every single day this week. I didn’t go this morning. Instead, I made myself go to the gym and meet my two younger brothers. I hated every minute of it. All I could think about was me missing the opportunity to hear her voice, and to see those beautiful hazel eyes trying to hide she’s secretly glad I’ve thrust myself into her life. Her eyes are so expressive. It makes me wonder what else I can see in them, how they would look as I hover over her gorgeous body, raking my hands over her curves as our bodies connect as one.

Reaching for my phone, I start to send her a text, but I know that won’t calm the desire to hear her voice, but calling her will. We’ve done nothing but text back and forth, but I need to hear her voice. Not giving myself the chance to change my mind, I click on her contact and place the phone next to my ear.

“Grant?” she greets me. Her voice is hesitant.

“I missed you.” The words pass my lips before I realize that they’re the truth. How is that possible? I barely even know her, but I missed getting to see her today.

“You… missed me?”

“Like a fucking limb.” My voice is calm and serious, but her laughter tells me she thinks otherwise.

“You always laugh at a man when he’s baring his soul to you?” I counter, with a hint of my own laughter in my tone.

“Oh, is that what you’re doing?” she volleys back.

My smile is huge, and I’m kicking myself in the ass for not calling her sooner. Fuck texting. I want her voice in my ear. “I’m on my knees,” I tell her. She laughs again, and I feel the sound deep in my chest. “How was your day?” I ask, settling back into the couch. It’s as if hearing her voice is all that I needed to relax.

“Good. We were busy again today.”

The smile in her voice is prominent. “That’s great, babe. Are you ready for our day together tomorrow?”

“All day?” she questions.

“Yep,” I say, popping the p. “You’re mine all day.”

She’s quiet for several beats of my heart and so am I. I give her the time she needs to work through whatever it is that’s plaguing her mind. “What are we doing?” she finally asks. Her inquiry is soft.

“I have some plans,” I tell her. “Is there anything specific you want to do? I know it’s your only day off. Is there anything that you need to get done tomorrow?” Whatever it is, we’re going to do it together. I want the entire day with her.

“I—” She starts and then immediately stops. I can picture her thinning her lips, as her hazel eyes wage a war of indecision. It’s a look I’ve seen on her every day this week when I mention tomorrow.

“Don’t censor yourself with me. I want to know what you think, what you’re feeling.” I wait for her to speak, and when she does, her words are Copyright 2016 - 2024