To Kiss a Highland Rose (Kiss the Wallflower #6) - Tamara Gill Page 0,4

do not find them so very different to us.”

Julia scoffed. “You make the English sound like they come from another planet!” She laughed.

Elizabeth chuckled. “Well, they almost do, do they not?”

Julia sighed, leaning back into the settee. “You’re young and healthy, an heiress with an estate all your own. Lord Hastings would be lucky indeed if he captured your love. But the Season is young and there are many such gentleman as he. Do not set your cap on him too soon, cast your eye across everyone who’s traveled north and decide if anyone else may suit you better.”

Elizabeth raised her brow. Her friend had a point and she was right. The Season was young and there were many more balls to enjoy yet. “You know you’re starting to sound quite intelligent. I think I shall do as you say.”

Her friend smiled triumphally. “How many years have I been telling you so, but you have not believed me? If you follow my advice, you shall never go astray. And if Lord Hastings is genuinely interested in ye, he will not be put off should ye dance or be played court to by others. He will simply be all the more determined.”

The idea of his lordship being determined to win her made her feel all tingly and excited. His dark, hooded eyes the other night she could happily fall into and never escape. So handsome, and that he had opted for a Scottish Season this year did say a lot about his intellect. He was obviously smart on that score. The London Season was overrated.

Julia picked up a cushion and held it atop her lap, playing with the multitude of tassels along its side. “What do ye make of Lord Bridgman? He’s an interesting character, do ye not agree?”

Her friend’s interest in the man was not missed and Elizabeth bit back a grin. “I dinna meet his lordship, but he seemed pleasant enough when I did spot him about the room. He certainly is what they say of him…handsome.”

“I think I shall pursue him and see what comes of it. And if I keep his lordship occupied, it will enable you to get to know Lord Hastings better before ye make your choice.” Julia grinned. “It is simply the perfect plan.”

“It seems you have everything all worked out perfectly well, but I have not even decided if I want to seek his interest. You, however, may court Lord Bridgman if ye choose.”

Julia held up her hands in defeat. “Very well, do as ye must, but I think ye should at least see if you suit. It is not often such a stunning pair of men enter our small society. We must make the most of it when we can.”

The door swung open and in walked Georgina, a maid carrying a tray of tea and biscuits close on her heels.

“Good morning, my dears. I hope you all slept well.”

At the benign question, something that Georgina was not known for, Elizabeth considered her friend. “What has happened, Georgina? It is not like you to care.” She grinned, pouring herself a cup of tea.

“I’ve decided to hold a masquerade and you’re both invited.” Georgina picked up a biscuit, taking a generous bite.

“We live with you, Georgina. I think our invitation was always going to be delivered,” Julia said, shaking her head.

“We shall invite everyone in Edinburgh for the Season, and it’ll be the ball of the year. You may invite Lord Hastings, Elizabeth darling. He seemed quite taken with you the other evening.”

She groaned. Julia choked on her tea, tried and failed miserably to mask it with a cough.

“I have just spent the last ten minutes explaining to Julia why I shall leave my options open. He spoke to me once. That does not mean he’s the least interested in getting under my skirts.”

Georgina grinned. “I do adore that I’m rubbing off on you, Elizabeth darling.”

Elizabeth took a sip of tea, better that than to scream at her friend’s teasing ways.

“You shall invite Lord Hastings, but please do not think there is anything between us. I spoke to him once.” She took a calming breath, not wanting to discuss the Englishman anymore. Surely there were other more interesting subjects to talk about than him. Even if the memory of him was amusing and somewhat wicked with his parting words.

Georgina, sensing Elizabeth’s annoyance, thankfully changed the subject. “Well, I had the most delightful dance with Lord Fairfax the other evening. He owns half of the Copyright 2016 - 2024