To Kiss a Highland Rose (Kiss the Wallflower #6) - Tamara Gill Page 0,34

between them. It had not escaped her notice that neither of them spoke of the emotion or the lack of such a declaration. Elizabeth knew in her heart she was well on the way to loving the rogue sitting across from her and giving her one of his wicked come-hither looks that she could never ignore.

But did he love her? She knew he enjoyed her company, had chased her down over the past weeks until she was his wife, so he must like her very much, but was he falling in love with her? That she could not say, but she hoped and dreamed he would and declare his heart soon. She did not want to be the only one in the marriage, falling in love.

"Nothing of importance, merely admiring my handsome husband."

He chuckled a deep, husky sound that promised all sorts of delicious pleasures. He leaned back in his seat, studying her in turn. "The green velvet you have on today makes your eyes look fiercely bright and absolutely stunning."

Warm appreciation thrummed through her at his words. How had she come to be so lucky to have secured his hand? She glanced down at her gown, running her hand along the gold thread at her bodice. "I had it made especially for the Season this year. I'm glad you like it."

"Come here," he said, his eyes darkening with hunger.

Elizabeth moved to sit beside him. The carriage lurched, and she glanced out the window, noting there was still some time to go. Nothing but fields and forest darkened the view.

A light kiss on her neck startled her a moment before she tipped her head to the side and allowed him to continue his seduction.

"Hell, you smell sweet." He reached for her, tilting her to face him. Their gazes collided, and she knew he wanted her. His eyes burned with need and determination.

Heat pooled at her core, and she went to him, kissing him with all the passion she felt. His hands wrenched her onto his lap, jerking her dress to pool at her waist. Cool air kissed her stockinged legs as her body craved his touch.

He wasn't gentle. He ripped open the front falls off his breeches, his hard manhood spilling against her mons. Elizabeth pressed against him, trying to sate the need that coursed through her body. She wanted him, had watched him for hours, and hoped they may come together in the carriage before they reached her childhood home.

It was naughty, wicked fun to be with Sebastian in such a way. They were husband and wife. There was no real harm in them behaving so, even if it was utterly roguish.

He kissed her hard and long, his tongue tangling with hers. He clasped her hips, his fingers biting into the velvet and her skin beneath. Elizabeth wrapped her arms about his neck, using her knees to place him at her core, before lowering onto his erection.

They both moaned as he settled inside her, fulfilling her every need. Their lovemaking was frantic and fast, both of them needing to sate themselves of the other. He helped her take her pleasure, rocking onto him, pushing her closer to release. He whispered delicious, naughty things in her ear, his whispered breath sending a shiver of desire down her spine.

"Come for me, my darling. Take your pleasure," he gasped, so hard, so large that she thought she may die of the delight of it all.

She kissed him, took his lips, and claimed him as the first tremors of her release shuddered from her core to spike throughout her person. So good that she wondered how she had lived without such a thing for so many years. If it was better known that a woman could find such pleasure with a man, there would certainly be more weddings or love affairs, Elizabeth was certain.

They stayed locked together, their breathing ragged. Elizabeth wondered after the fact what had possessed her, what had made the truth whisper from her lips, but before she could rip the words back from her mouth, she uttered the three weighty words that changed so many people's lives. Their lives forever.

"I love you, Sebastian."

An awkward silence fell between them. Of all the things he'd expected to fall from Lizzie's lips, it had not been the word love. Even so, the words no longer terrified him as they once would have. In fact, he'd had the opposite reaction, had felt nothing but hope and adoration for the woman in his arms. Copyright 2016 - 2024