To Kiss a Highland Rose (Kiss the Wallflower #6) - Tamara Gill Page 0,28

Scotswoman his. He looked forward to plundering her. In fact, the idea kept him awake most nights since he’d met her.

Rawden whistled. "He'll call you out or just murder you if you marry her without him knowing. From what I know of Laird Mackintosh, he's not a small lad and not one to be crossed."

Sebastian sipped his whisky, thinking over his friend's words. "Married and with the union consummated, there would be nothing he could do. He certainly would not want to kill his sister's husband. And with Halligale back in my hands, should Elizabeth take offense to the truth, at least I have time to win her back, try to make her see my side of the argument. She may be angry for some time, but I believe that too shall pass."

"Do you really think that'll happen? She will never forgive you if she finds out that you're marrying her for her property. If she did not have it in her name, would you be in Scotland right now chasing her skirts about?"

No, Sebastian would not, but that was beside the point. It also didn't factor, not anymore. There was something about Elizabeth that he liked. He enjoyed her company, was glad to have met her, to have her as his wife. They suited, no matter what the reasons were for bringing him here in the first place.

"I will have to try to ensure the truth does not pull us apart."

"You sound like a man falling in love and regretting his choice. I wish you luck with that, Sebastian," Rawden said, stepping out into the fray of guests and disappearing soon after.

He could make Elizabeth understand, explain how much Halligale meant to him. If she knew the truth, she would forgive him eventually. After all, it was not as if he did not like her. He did very much. More than anyone he'd ever met before in his life.

Chapter 12

A hand reached up and smoothed the line between his brow, and he realized Elizabeth was standing before him, a precious, knowing smile on her lips.

"You're woolgathering, my lord. Penny for yer thoughts?" she asked him, stepping to stand beside him.

He picked up her hand, kissing it and not caring who noticed. Her eyes widened, and he grinned. "Good evening, my dearest. I see I was too late to claim you for the waltz."

She chuckled, wrapping her arm tight about his and holding him close. "There is to be another. I have been assured of that from our hostess this evening."

It pleased him that she wanted to reassure him. He wished the gnawing ache in his gut would also dissipate. However, something told him that it would not, not until he told her the truth and faced the consequences.

"I'm glad to hear it," he replied, tugging her to walk with him. He needed to move, to remove them from the gathered throng. He needed to have her to himself. "We should leave. I need to speak to you alone."

Her eyes widened, but she nodded. "I can tell Julia and Georgina I have a headache and need to return home, but we need to be careful to leave separately, so as not to raise suspicion, if you dinna want my brother to know of your suit. Everyone in Edinburgh knows him, and no doubt are updating him weekly on my progress."

Sebastian had not thought of such a thing, which made his need to get her away from Edinburgh, away from her brother's reach, more imperative. "Have your carriage take you home. I shall meet you there."

She nodded, sending him a small, conspiratorial smile, and then she was gone. He watched her disappear into the throng and wondered when he'd become such a cad. A bastard who offered marriage to a lady who was as high on the peerage ladder as he, who was as kind and sweet as anyone he knew, and all for an estate.

Who had he become?

Elizabeth did as Sebastian asked, meeting him at the mews behind Georgina's townhouse. He pulled her up into his carriage just as it rolled to a stop, calling out the address as he slammed the door closed.

"Why are we going to Dalmahoy?" she asked, as the carriage lurched forward. "That is an hour away, at least."

"I need to discuss something with you, and I need you not to answer the question until you at least ponder it a moment in your mind."

"Very well," she conceded, settling back on the leather squabs and clasping Copyright 2016 - 2024