To Kiss a Highland Rose (Kiss the Wallflower #6) - Tamara Gill Page 0,26

women stared at her, mouths agape, their eyes wide.

"Say something, will you? Ye know I dinna like it when ye do not state your opinion."

Georgina spoke fist, blinking out of her stupor. "You're marrying Earl Hastings? When did he start courting ye in earnest?"

"More importantly," Julia stated, her mouth still gaping. "How did I miss his interest in ye went beyond innocent flirtation to an offer of marriage!"

Elizabeth held out her hands, calling for calm. "It's been a whirlwind, I know. My brother has not even been informed, but I think Sebastian and I suit. He's amusing, attentive." She wanted to go on and tell her friends his kisses were devastatingly toe-curling, but she did not. Some things she wanted to keep just for them, their own sweet secret. "I like him, and he grew up in Scotland at his mother's estate, so he understands the country and our way of life here."

"He's English. What will ye brother say, do ye think?" Julia asked, sitting back on her chair and crossing her legs up under her.

"Brice married an English woman. I dinna think he'll care."

Georgina laughed, a tinkling sound that held an edge of sarcasm. "Oh, he'll care. While Julia and I both enjoy the company of an Englishman at balls and parties, it is no secret that our family would prefer a Scotsman to be our husbands. Yer brother may have married a Sassenach, but that dinna mean he wants ye to marry an Englishman. Yer brother will be no different."

Elizabeth bit her lip, worrying it between her teeth. Would Brice dislike her choice? She did not like the idea of her brother being against her marriage. She wanted Brice and Sebastian to become friends as well as brothers-in-law. To share their children's childhoods, spend Christmas together, and more Seasons in town both here and in England.

"I dinna believe so. Brice will be happy for me and my choice. He'll not cause any difficulty, I'm sure."

Julia raised her brow. "When do ye think you'll tell your brother?"

Elizabeth frowned, unsure herself when that would happen. "He's preoccupied at home at the moment. Sophie is enceinte, and there are complications. I dinna want him rushing to Edinburgh to approve my impending marriage. I would prefer to travel home and let him know in a few weeks." Or, the idea of arriving home already married was tempting as well. Her brother could not disapprove of her Englishman then.

Not that she expected him to dislike Sebastian. English or no, there was nothing wrong with her choice. He was titled, rich, sweet, and kind. What was there to dislike?

"Oh, my dearest, why did ye not tell us about Sophie? We will both hope for the best for her."

Elizabeth smiled at her friends. "Thank ye for your kind thoughts. Her brother and his wife Lady Clara have arrived to assist them, but I'm to return home at the end of the Season before the child is due."

"What does Lord Hastings think of postponing ye telling your brother?" Julia asked, watching her keenly.

The look on her friend's face made her choose her words carefully, not wanting to let them know that it was, in fact, Sebastian's idea not to tell Brice. To give them time to enjoy more of the Season, just the two of them, before the madness of a betrothal sent Edinburgh into a flurry and her family along with it.

"He is happy to comply with my wishes." Elizabeth pasted on a smile, willing the seed of doubt that settled in her stomach that he had not wanted to tell her brother because, by the end of the Season, he intended to cry off and return to England.

No, he wouldn't do that to her. Elizabeth had to move away from the doubt Lucky Lizzie had instilled in her. His courtship, his affections were true.

She swallowed the panic threatening to bring up her breakfast. "I hope you're both happy for me. For all that the situation has come about quickly, I am happy with my choice. I think that given more time I could fall in love with my husband."

Georgiana smiled, standing and pulling her up to give her a tight hug. "We're happy for ye, Elizabeth. Lord Hastings is a lovely man, and if he has captured your heart or is on the way to doing so, how could we not love him in turn?"

Tears sprung to her eyes, and she hugged her friend back, laughing when Julia joined in with their show of Copyright 2016 - 2024